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Today Wednesday, October 04, 2006

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    (!) Avoid use as the password of the following data: your name; name of yours of the husband / wife; name of your child; name of your domestic animal; names of friends, members of family or colleagues; names of characters of cartoon films or fantastic heroes; all mentioned above names with letters cyclically rearranged in them; the name of operational system which you use; names of the subjects seen from your workplace; the name of street on which you live; number of the passport or a driving licence; your birthday; popular words, such, as wizard, gandalf, guru etc.; name of any user; any word which can be found in the dictionary; the place name; anyone proper name; simple patterns, like qwerty or abcdefg; words and phrases from telecasts or films; the words consisting of identical letters.

    The reasons of realization of rules for the password: passwords can be cracked with the help of a brute force; passwords can be cracked by search in the dictionary; passwords may be transferred in an obvious kind on the unprotected network; passwords frequently are in common used by members of one group; users choose easily guessed passwords.

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