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Full name: Nataly Tsinevich
Date of birth: August 17, 1969
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond
Status: divorced
Children: daughter (13 years old)
Education: college
Work: nurse
City: Sevastopol
Country: Ukraine
Languages: a little English
Religion: christian
Hobbies: travel, rest on a nature, cookery, dances, visiting
restaurants, walk, music, parties, cruises, campaigns on shops.
About myself: qualities, artistic, carefree, active, reliable, with sense of humor, intellectual, without prejudices, musical, romantic, sensitive,
simple, sincere, easygoing, sociable.
Partner: age from 35 till 55 years, educated, from 170 cm, with sense of humor, careful, generous, loving children and animals.



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Tour to Ukraine. Accommodation, excursions in Kiev.