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Reanimation package of reforms

The Coalition of leading non-governmental organizations and experts from all over Ukraine who have pooled their efforts to facilitate and implement reforms

Read about us >>
Ukraine Recovery Conference
Expert recommendations
to the National Recovery Plan
Roadmap of Reforms for 2019-2023



21.03.23 The West Takes the Blame, Russia Holds Back: Dissecting Disinformation Tactics of Russian Diplomats in the OSCE

National Security_and_Defense

14.03.23 In War, Truth is the First Casualty: Overview of the Russian Media Space in February 2023

Anticorruption reform

09.03.23 We urge the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to prevent the destruction of the State Anti-Corruption Program assessment monitoring system


01.03.23 “For the Glory of Grandfathers, Versus the Mosquitoes”. How Russia Justified and Explained the Invasion of Ukraine During the Year of Full-Scale War

Anticorruption reform

28.02.23 Why Ukraine will be admitted to the EU only after implementing anti-corruption and law enforcement reforms. An analysis

National security

24.02.23 An appeal to the international community on the one-year anniversary of the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine


Preserving and Developing Ukraine’s Democracy: What are the Current and the Future Challenges of Democratic Transformation?

21.09.2022 16:00

Paving the Way to a Successful and Inclusive Recovery Process of Ukraine

04.07.2022 10:00

Democratic Reforms for Ukraine’s EU Integration: Dialogue with Leading Reformers

17.06.2022 11:00


Judicial reform
Anti-corruption reform
Public administration reform
Reform of the law enforcement
Reform of electoral law
Economical development
Tax reform
Reform of the financial sector and pension system