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What matters the most to us is by using the modern human resources applications, to support a progress that continues with each passing day, to establish teams from people who do their best for and enjoy doing their jobs.


Our goal is to see among us successful candidates, who will be happy for and enjoy working with us, with the help of a recruitment process, during which a competency-based interviewing technique and assistive personality inventories are applied.

Performance Evaluation

Our employees are supported in obtaining the best results while performing their jobs. In this regard, we support and guide our employees so that they can reach our commonly shared targets within the framework of the objective criteria previously determined. Their success is measured in an objective way.

Training And Development

Meaning everything to us, development is a process that never ends. Our corporate perspective is to give importance to development always more than knowing. With this way of thinking and the development programs we designed for supporting our employees to have a progress in their improvable skills; we aim a continuous improvement and development.

Open Positions

Corporate banking

Retail banking

Corporate loans

Overdraft Easy Start

Affordable loans 5-7-9%

Deposit for Finance companies

Corporate overnight

Individual safes