Join Us for the Webinar

Cohort Analysis 101

The way customers engage with your business is shaped by many factors, in large part by how long they’ve been using your products and services. Users acquired a year ago, a month ago, a week ago, during different marketing campaigns, may all behave differently. Knowing these differences enables you to tailor your marketing approach to the needs and preferences of each group of customers. The question is, how can you identify these patterns in the user behavior? This is where cohort analysis comes in your aid. Group customers into cohorts based on the time they took a certain action. This will enable you to accurately calculate, compare, and improve important business indicators, such as LTV, CAC, and retention rate.

In addition, cohort analysis can help you evaluate and project the ROI of your traffic acquisition efforts, see which marketing channel is working the best in terms of customer retention, run A/B tests and much more. We’re going to cover this in more detail during the webinar.

Join us for the webinar and learn

  • What cohort analysis is, and what it can be used for. What metrics are a must for cohort reports.

  • The Cohort Analysis report in Google Analytics: how to configure the report, what information it provides, its pros and cons.

  • Cohort reports in other services: AppsFlyer, Adjust, Mixpanel, Tune, KissMetrics.

  • Cohort reports in Google Sheets: the source data structure, SQL queries to the data. 4 ways to create the report: pivot tables, formulas, formulas plus filters, and Apps Script. The pros and cons of each method.

You’ll be able to ask your own questions live and get them answered straight away. After the webinar, we’ll deliver the replay and the slide deck directly to your inbox, accompanied with some useful materials on the topic. Spoiler alert: here’s one of these materials, the success story of boodmo, India’s largest online marketplace for automotive parts and detailed guide to cohort analysis in Google Analytics and Google Sheets.

The webinar will be useful for

Marketing experts, analysts, webmasters, e-store owners, and everyone interested in gaining better insights into customer experience and retention.