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AgroChemistry and Soil Science

About & Contacts

AgroChemistry and Soil Science

Editorial Office Address

National Scientific Centre "Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research n.a. O.N. Sokolovsky",
4 Tchaikovsky St., 61024 Kharkiv, UKRAINE
Phone/ Fax:  +38 (057) 704-16-69

The Editor-in-Chief: Sviatoslav Baliuk
Phone  +38 (057) 704-16-69

Associate Editor: Mykola Miroshnychenko
Phone  +38 (057) 704-16-64

Managing Editor: Tetiana Laktionova
Phone  +38 (057) 704-16-65


 The Journal is registered in:
- CrossRef

- the portal National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky

- the Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI), data base and searching system,

- the periodical Ukrainian abstract journal "Source", issued by the Institute of Problems of Information Registration of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

- Registry for the Scientific Professional Issues of Ukraine,

 We publish original papers by results of theoretical, experimental and methodical researches in actual directions of soil science, agrochemistry, agroecology, agriculture and other sciences. Papers should contain the original scientific information and substantiated conclusions.
 According to the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 (28.12.2019) the Journal is included into the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine in the field of agricultural and biological sciences on the specialties:
  201 - Agronomy
  091 - Biology

and it is added to the "B" group.

  Languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian


 The Editorial Board of the Collected Papers “AGROCHEMISTRY AND SOIL SCIENCE” in its activity related to the compliance with the international ethics rules, the Editorial Board of the Collected Papers “AGROCHEMISTRY AND SOIL SCIENCE” (AсSS) follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE,, instructions of European Association of Science Editors ( and the norms, declared by the Elsevier Publishing House (Publishing Ethics Resource Kit).
 The compliance with the abovementioned requirements is the guarantee of ensuring the rights and responsibilities of the authors, reviewers, and the publisher.


 The activity of the chief editor, members of the editorial board and employees of the editorial office of AcSS is governed by the compliance with the ethical norms in the relations of the author and the reviewer.
 All submitted works have thematic selection and scientific review. The editorial board has the right to reject the manuscript or return it for revision.
 The chief editor and the editorial board estimate the manuscript by its scientific content solely regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, nationality, citizenship, origin, social status or political views of the authors.
 The decision on the publication is taken based on scientific reviews and opinions of the editorial board members on the correspondence of the submitted work to the generally accepted criteria, objectives and purpose of the collection and importance for the scientific community. The process should be as objective as possible. The final decision on the possibility of publishing the manuscript is taken by the chief editor and / or the editorial board.
 Neither the chief editor nor the editorial board should have any conflict of interests regarding the articles, which are accepted or rejected by them, they should also avoid getting any specialists, who are most likely to be involved in any collisions, into any external reviewing.
 If one of the editors / members of the editorial board becomes aware of his own conflict of interest already during the review of the manuscript, he must inform the other members of the editorial board, withdraw from the review process and transfer his credentials to another editor / member of the editorial board.
 The editors / editorial board maintain the confidentiality of the process of reviewing manuscripts and do not allow the disclosure of information outside the circle of persons involved in the work process of the publication. Nobody familiar with the content of the submitted work can use the information contained therein without the official permission of the authors.
 Conclusions and proposals of scientific reviewers and the editor are sent to the author's e-mail address for use in the correction of the manuscript.
 After the final editing of the manuscript, the author agrees with the edits.
 The materials received by the editor do not return to the author even in case of rejection of the manuscript.

 The author, realizing his/her responsibility to the scientific community regarding the quality of the publication guarantees the following aspects:
 - the presented text of the manuscript reflects reliable results of his/her personal and original studies;
 - the results have not been fabricated or borrowed;
 - in the case of data not received by the author, the sources of information are clearly indicated;
 - there were quoted only those publications whose ideas or results were used in the process of setting tasks, or in the analysis of the results, as well as necessary ones for understanding the submitted work. The list of quoted publications is complete and formed in accordance with the Regulations for the authors of AсSS;
 - in the manuscript there are no excessive borrowings, unformed quotations, paraphrase, assignment of rights to the results of others' research;
 - all the participants of the study are indicated in the manuscript as the co-authors or have been duly thanked; all the co-authors have read the manuscript, given their consent to its publication and take responsibility for the content of the article;
 - if the information has been obtained privately, the mandatory permission has been received from the owner;
 - the manuscript has been sent to the AсSS editorial office for the first time, it has not been reviewed or published in any other periodicals;
 - if the manuscript is a review of the scientific literature (a compilation of materials), the author should base himself/herself on his/her own studies and his/her personal judgement.
 - the manuscript clearly indicates any hazards and risks associated with conducting research;
 - In case of any possible conflict of interests, which could affect the interpretation of results and the judgement of reviewers, the author should make a statement about it.
 - in the process of preparing the manuscript the author was guided by the rules for the AсSS authors;
 - if the author reveals a significant error or inaccuracy in his already published work, he must immediately notify the editor-in-chief and cooperate with him to refute or correct the article in the next issue.


 A review is the main instrument of determining the quality of the manuscript and improving the author’s text; it is also the main argument related to the publication for the editorial office. The main issues in the reviewer’s activity are his/her impartiality, professionalism, and confidentiality.
 The reviewer may be a scientist with experience in research work on the subject of the assessed manuscript.
 A reviewer can be neither a co-author of the article under review nor a scientific adviser of any applicants for completing a scientific degree (who are the co-authors) and/or employees of the author’s department.
 The reviewer should objectively evaluate the submitted experimental or theoretical work, its interpretation and presentation, as well as determine the relevance of the work to scientific and linguistic standards. The reviewer must respect the intellectual independence of the authors.
 If a reviewer has any doubts about his/her professionalism in this sphere of science or he/she has any conflict of interests with the author or the organization, presenting the manuscript for the review, or he/she just doesn’t have enough time to review this work, he/she should notify the publisher about it and withdraw from reviewing.
 The manuscript, received by the reviewer, is confidential information, which cannot be used for any personal purposes. The ideas and positions of the manuscript should not be discussed with any third parties.
 If a reviewer is confident in the fact that a part of the text, figures, etc. have already been published, i.e. there is plagiarism or verbatim copying of previous author’s works, he/she should provide the confirmation for his/her conclusions in the form of references.
 The reviewer should clearly argue his comments, which should be accompanied by a reference.

AgroChemistry and Soil Science

Editorial Board


 The Editorial board includes experts in the field of soil science, agrochemistry, agriculture, soil conservation. They are independent reviewers and competent experts each in their particular field of science. Members of the Editorial board have the experience of publishing in international scientific journals, which provides a high level of review of manuscripts.

 When necessary, specialists who are not members of the editorial board, but who are experts of a narrow subject and are also involved in the examination of the manuscripts. All experts in the process of reviewing manuscripts are liable and confidential.

 The Editorial board was approved by the Academic Council of the NSC ISSAR named after O. N. Sokolovsky, protocol No. 7 of 05.04.2019

Contact us


Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of NAASU; Director, National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky”. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38(057) 704-16-69
ORCID   Web of Science Researcher ID: G-7083-2019
Google Scholar    Scopus
Publications: ID 0416404 V.I. Vernadsky National Library, Ukraine / NBUV
Profiles:   NSC ISSAR   Wikipedia

Associate Editor:

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of Agrochemistry Department; Deputy Director, National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky”; Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38(057) 704-16-64
ORCID   Web of Science Researcher ID: G-2983-2019
Scopus   Google Scholar
Publications: ID: 0000764 V.I. Vernadsky National Library, Ukraine / NBUV
Profiles:    NSC ISSAR1   NSC ISSAR2   NSC ISSAR3   KNAU   Department of Agrochemistry, NSC ISSAR

Managing Editor:

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of scientific-economic activities, innovations and coordination of international cooperation; National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky”. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38(057) 704-16-65
ORCID   Web of Science Researcher ID: J-1439-2016
Google Scholar   Research Gate
Publications : ID: 1259096 V.I. Vernadsky National Library, Ukraine / NBUV
Profiles:  Geo Eco Phys Laboratory   Dr. Laktionova T.N.


Members of Editorial board: Biological Sciences

Doctor of Biological Sciences; Professor; Professor (Full) of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Conservation, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Ukraine
Phone: +38 067 670 44 22
ORCID   Google Scholar   Research Gate
Web of Science Researcher ID: U-8078-2018
Publications : ID: 0011338 V.I. Vernadsky National Library, Ukraine / NBUV
Profiles: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Ukraine

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Head of Department of Soil Science and Land Use. Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Ukraine
Phone: +38 066 6124950
ORCID   Web of Science Researcher ID: I-8306-2015
Scopus   Google Scholar   Research Gate
Publications : ID: 0011677 V.I. Vernadsky National Library, Ukraine / NBUV
Profiles: Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Ukraine

Candidate of Biological Sciences; Senior Researcher; Head of Sector for Soil Microbiology, National Scientific Center «Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky». Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 057 7041669
Profiles:    NSC ISSAR

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Hydromorphic and Acid Soils Fertility, National Scientific Center «Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky», Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 099 9140881
Publications : ID: 0005634 V.I. Vernadsky National Library, Ukraine / NBUV
Profiles:   NSC ISSAR
Doctor of Biological Sciences

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Agrotechnology and Soil Science, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Phone: +38 050 1582585
Web of Science Researcher ID: I-6922-2015
Scopus   Google Scholar   Research Gate
Publications :   Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Profiles:    Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Members of Editorial Board: Agricultural Sciences

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate professor, Head of the Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: 380686076194
ORCID     Web of Science Researcher ID: S-2905-2018
Scopus   Google Scholar
Publications: ID: 0004237 National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles: Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Soil Science and Soil Conservation, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 050 838-43-33
Google Scholar
Publications : ID: 0216639 National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Biological Sciences; Senior researcher; Head of Sector for Remote Sensing of Soil Cover National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky”. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 057 7041669
ORCID   Google Scholar
Publications: ID: 0004237 National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles:    NSC ISSAR     LinkedIn

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;  Corresponding member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Director State Publishing House “Agrarna Nauka” of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Phone: +380 44 2574081
Publications : ID: 0012239 National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles: Agricultural Science and Practice

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences; Professor; Professor of Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science; Uman Nanional University Horticulture, Ukraine  
Phone: +38 097 379 79 09
ORCID   Google Scholar   Scopus
Web of Science Researcher ID: G-5431-2019
Publications : ID: 0013974 National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles: Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science
Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory for analytical tests and vegetative studies, Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet NAAS. Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: (044) 275-34-55
Web of Science Researcher ID: G-9180-2019
Google Scholar
Publications : ID: 0009276 National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles: Laboratory for analytical tests and vegetative studies

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researche, Chief Researcher, National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky”. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: 380973601488
Publications : ID: 0002135 National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles: NSC ISSAR

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy director for science; Institute of Pedology, Agrochemistry and Soil Protection "Nicolae Dimo". Chisinau, Moldova
Phone: +373-22-284861 // +373-69384142

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Director, Institute of Viticulture and Enology, Pleven, Bulgaria
E-mail: ;
Phone: +359 888 945 007
Prof. Pachev Ivan

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Organic Fertilizers and Humus, National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky”. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: 380677555182
ORCID    Google Scholar
Publications :  ID: 0008426 National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles: NSC ISSAR

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky”. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 099 2527271
Publications :
Profiles: NSC ISSAR

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Soil Conservation, National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 099 0771645
ORCID    Google Scholar
Publications :  ID: 0000241National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles: NSC ISSAR

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (097) 4493587
ORCID   Google Scholar   Research Gate
Publications : ID: 1464504 National Library of Ukraine n.a. Vernadsky / NBUV
Profiles:   Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

"AgroChemistry and Soil Science" publishes papers on all aspects of agrochemistry, soil science, including the soils ecology, and agriculture. The Editors encourage submission of cross-disciplinary manuscripts that combine the scopes with other fields of science.




We welcome submissions from all authors and we are committed to the prompt evaluation and publication of submitted manuscripts. Our peer-review process in AgroCSS has a certain term. The corresponding author will be informed about all stages for the treatment and preparing the manuscript for publishing.
Contact us
The original manuscript should be up to 8 pages and contain all of the follows: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Results, Discussion (or combined Results and Discussion for Reports), Materials and methods, Acknowledgements, References, Figure legends, and all tables. The first and the last name of the author(s), affiliation(s), address(es), e-mail of the corresponding author. Abstract, up to 250 words. Key words, up to 8

The review and methodical manuscript can be without "Results" and "Materials and methods" parts. But the methodical manuscript should have the detail description of the method presented with the fields in that this method could be used.

 After reviewing and editing of the manuscript, the message about the cost of the publication and the bank requisites for the payment will be sent at e-mail of the corresponding author.
 After receiving the e-copy of the document about the payment by the authors (at e-mail: the paper will be published.

Guidance to Authors

The Editorial Board of AgroCSS encourages authors to submit manuscripts in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages for the publication. The manuscript text and figures should be carefully checked and send as (i) a single PDF-file and (ii) an editable document file to the Secretary of the Editorial Office at the address: The files should be named by the last name of the first author in the manuscript, e.g. "ivanchuk.pdf" and "ivanchuk.doc".
  The file manuscript as an editable document file should be prepared with the help of the MS Office Word, or Apache Open Office programs with using the 12pt Arial Font in the main text and 9 pt Arial Font in the tables. The interline distance should be 1.5, the margins: 2 cm, top and bottom, 3 cm, left and right. Paragraphs should begin with the 1.25 first line indent.
  Authors are asked specify the information about all authors of the manuscript in a separate file (“ivanchuk_info”): the first and the last name, the post address, science degree, affiliation, job position, e-mail, the phone number.
  Please download a copy of our ACSS Word Template for the manuscript preparing:


  The graphical materials (drawings, diagrams, photo etc.) should be built in the manuscript, and also it should be attached as separate files to the mail. The files should be named by the last name of the first author in the manuscript, e.g. "ivanchuk_fig1" and etc. Plots (PostScript, Encapsulated PostScript, CDR), schemes, photo (300 dpi or more) should be clear and suitable for reproducing. Using the color illustration in the "AgroChemistry and Soil Science" (Collected Papers) is not provided now. The drawings should not repeat the data in the tables. The title of the table (Arial Font, 10 pt, italic) should represent it's content. The location of the table in the manuscript should be in the text just the reference is revealed. The tables must not be interrupted for a next page. The tables should be numbered. At the maps the scale should be indicated, and the micro-photos should have the magnifying power indication.
  An abbreviations, but the conventional ones, should not be used in the text and tables. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if the authors use in the text the author-defined abbreviation, this abbreviation should be defined in the abstract and text at first mention.
  In the manuscript for reporting data, use of SI units (le Systeme Internationale d'Unites) is preferred (e.g., mmol/L, g/L) but not mandatory. Conventional units such as mg/dL and mg/mL are acceptable, using L, not l, for liter. Placing an alternate unit parenthetically in the text or giving conversion factors in table footnotes or figure legends is acceptable. Mathematical formulas and expressions should be designed in the default equation editor included in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Text Editor. Firm names, apparatus name, chemicals' manufacturer name etc. should be given in the original transcription.
  The bibliography references should be marked with their serial numbers in square brackets in ascending order. The numbered references placed after the Conclusions section at the end of the manuscript. Every item should be (i) in original language, and (ii) it must be translated in English.

Procedure for reviewing the manuscript

  We welcome submissions from all authors and we are committed to the prompt evaluation and publication of submitted manuscripts. Our peer-review process in "AgroChemistry and Soil Science" (Collected Papers) has a certain term. The corresponding author will be informed about all stages for the treatment and preparing the manuscript for publishing.
  The manuscript submitted in "AgroChemistry and Soil Science" (Collected Papers) must not have been published previously elsewhere in any language. Authors must not offer their papers while they are being considered by other journals, nor should they submit their papers to other journals while being considered by this one. Submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter stating that the paper has not been published previously elsewhere in any language; that it is not being considered by another journal in any language; and that all authors have seen and agreed to the version submitted.



The Editorial Board of the AgroCSS informs about the beginning of preparing the issue No. 92, 2021. The Issue No. 92 is scheduled for publication in 2021.

 ISSN 0587-2596
e-ISSN 2616-6852

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AgroChemistry and Soil Science.
Collected papers

No. 91 (2021) - No. 80 (2013)


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"AgroChemistry and Soil Science" publishes papers on all aspects of agrochemistry, soil science, including the soils ecology, and agriculture. The Editors encourage submission of cross-disciplinary manuscripts that combine the scopes with other fields of science.

We welcome submissions from all authors and we are committed to the prompt evaluation and publication of submitted manuscripts. Our peer-review process in AgroCSS has a certain term. The corresponding author will be informed about all stages for the treatment and preparing the manuscript for publishing.

The Editorial Board of the AgroCSS informs about the beginning of preparing the issue No. 92, 2021. The Issue No. 92 is scheduled for publication in 2021.

E-mail:, Dr. Laktionova T.M.
Tel.: +38057-7041665.
Address: National Scientific Centre "Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research n.a. O.N. Sokolovsky", 4 Tchaikovsky St., 61024, Kharkiv, Ukraine