
ArtPole Agency is an independent cultural institution that appeared officially in 2007 in Kyiv. Its main purpose is to create and to produce non-commercial innovative art projects — Ukrainian and international ones. ArtPole Agency is a founder of the first Ukrainian open-air festival Sheshory. Later it transformed into the festival Sounds/ Actions in Space. It combined authentic and world-music, landart, open-air theatre, and performance. During 12 years, the festival was held in different locations — Western, Eastern, Central, and South Ukraine.




Virtual archive of the Sheshory-ArtPole festival

Henceforth, our site will host photo, posters, texts and music collections from the international festival Sheshory-ArtPole.

Installation _just_went­_away within the international project At the Front Line. Ukrainian art

The installation, which is based on the documentation of the performance _just_went_away by Olia Mykhailiuk, has become part of the large projec

Performance “Slovom”

Performance titled “Slovom” was held within the framework of the exhibition “A Century of Ukrainian Abstraction” at Taras Shevchenko National Museum which included the installation “rozdIlovI”

Insta rozdIlovI

“rozdIlovI” has ceased to exist as a stage action and instead is developed in the virtual space.