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Production - New Products Group


The complete range of «New Products» beverages is produced at the modern factory in Zhashkiv – a small town located at the border of Kyiv and Cherkasy provinces. The production facility which is able to deliver beverages meeting the world’s strictest quality standards was constructed in Zhashkiv for a good reason. This town was selected based on a number of criteria. First of all, it’s located in the central part of Ukraine – a perfect location from a logistics point of view. Secondly, Zhashkiv is situated in a secure ecological environment which enables the extraction of high-quality water. Thirdly, the Cherkasy province and Zhashkiv in particular, demonstrate a positive pace of economic development. The time has proven that the construction of key production facilities in Zhashkiv was a strategically correct decision for the Company.

Modern equipment installed in the workshops of Zhashkiv factory enables the production of the widest range of packaging and beverages which meet all international quality standards.

There are lines of quick bottling of beverages at the factory which optimize the production process. The factory in Zhashkiv has the capacity not only to satisfy the current demand for the Company’s products but if need be to further increase the production output.

Quality check of beverages takes place in a special licensed laboratory at all stages of the production. The certified integrated system of quality and safety management of food products developed in accordance with two international standards – ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 is also in place at our factory.

The high quality of the Company’s products depends on the water which is used for the beverages’ production. As no tradeoffs are acceptable with regard to quality, the Company uses only artesian water with the relevant mineral composition. 9 wells supply the factory with water ensuring that its needs are fully covered. The highest quality of artesian water extracted in Zhashkiv also enabled the launch of the Company’s own trademark of the bottled water – «Pryrodne Dzherelo»™.

To expand our target markets, we have purchased a German beer factory, which will be moved to our compound in Zhashkiv, and that in the future will allow us to enter the domestic and foreign beer markets.

The volume of production at Zhashkiv factory steadily increases. At the same time, unmatched quality of beverages, permanent expansion of the products’ range, as well as aggressive marketing and smart approach to distribution ensures popularity and steady increase of demand for beverages of the New Products Group.