Award 2014 - Ukrainian Society for Neuroscience

Award 2014

Award 2014

PG Kostyuk Foundation announced for the fourth time acontest among young Ukrainian scientists. 17 young scientists from different scientific institutions of Ukraine applied for the award.

The foundation council after continuous discussion named the winner at VI International congress of Ukrainian society of neurosciences. The congress took place at Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology in June 4-8 2014. It was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of prominent Ukrainian Academician of the NANU and the NAMSU Platon G. Kostyuk. PG Kostyuk Foundation award 2014 was given to Rostislav Biliy, Ph.D. (biological sciences), an employee of the Institute of Cell Biology (the NASU, Ukraine, Lviv).

Head of conference council, president of Ukrainian Physiological Society and Ukrainian society of neurosciences, director of Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Academician of the NASU Oleg O. Krishtal happily congratulated the winner. In his speech, Academician Oleg O. Krishtal, said that “... Ithas become a good tradition that pupils of PlatonKostyuk, who work and live around the world, every year choose a young scientist, who works in Ukraine and has achieved notable results in the area of biomedical studies. Pupils of Platon G. has created foundation in his honor with main goal to support development of physiology studies in Ukraine, which is important, since this science is fundamental to medical research and healthcare. Foundation activity is directed to help young and promising Ukrainian physiology scientists. This year the foundation council has taken into account the following: originality and innovation of the study; usage of all available resources for the goal; significance of demonstrated ideas and achieved results; scientific achievements and quality of published works. By all of these partsRostislavBiliy, Ph.D. (biological sciences), an employee of Institute of Cell Biology of the NASU was claimed to be the winner.”

Academician Oleg O. Krishtal also expressed his gratitude to contributors of PG Kostyuk Foundation. He especially thanked every pupil of Platon G. Kostyuk for their support and wished that the foundation will evolve and its work will continue.

At the end of gala meeting, Dr. Rostislav Biliy delivered his lecture, in which he described his personal scientific achievements and future plans.

Platon G. Kostyuk commemorative plaque on the wall of Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology was officially unveiled during the VI International congress of Ukrainian society of neurosciences. This important event was attended by Kosyuk's daughter Olga and grandson Pavlo.  Platon G. Kotyuk'sfellow members of the NASU(Academician of the NASU Yu. I. Kundiev, corresponding member of the NASU I. M. Trakhtenberg, corresponding member of the NASU and president of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine S. A. Dovgiy)joined employees ofthe Bogomoletz Institute and participants of VI International congress of Ukrainian society of neurosciences in a meeting to honor Platon G. Kostyuk.

The plaque was presented by Oleg O. Krishtal. Invited guests recalled their memories of Platon G. Kostyuk and emphasized his achievements in area of physiology and neurophysiology.


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