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For visitors

For visitors


Please, DO:

Keep your ticket until the end of the visit.

Contact the member of our staff about any issues you experience or if you have any questions or doubts. If you are unable to make a complaint at the time of the issue occurring, please contact us by telephone 044 277 47 69.

Enjoy your visit here and remember that, according to the law "On the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine", our collection has great scientific and ecological value.

Please, DO NOT:

1.   Smoke outside the smoking areas

(our animals do not smoke, they find tobacco smell terribly unnerving and depressing)

2.   Feed and disturb animals

(our animals are on a special scheduled diet, if the schedule is broken, their stomachs may hurt and the animals could become sick)

3.   Go beyond the fence

(our animals are kind and nice, yet they are wild animals, which means they can bite and trample when disturbed)

4.   Leave children unattended

(our animals love children, but they have no skills in raising humans)

5. Place children on the barriers and fences (see point 3)

6. Drink alcohol and / or be in any state of intoxication

(our animals will not appreciate it and they may even start avoiding you)

7.   Shout, scream, yell, laugh loudly, stomp or cause a commotion

(our animals have fine ears and sharp noises, which could cause unpredictable reactions in them)

8.   Damage the trees, shrubs and flowers

(our animals love the beauty and the greenery, it is the beauty of our zoo)

9. Take pictures of animals using flashes

(flash can scare our animals, besides the fact that their eyes will appear bright red on flashed photographs)

10. Throw anything into the cages

(our animals can swallow foreign objects that could cause choke or other serious medical problems)

11. Move the garden and park equipment without permission

(our animals may take you for a thief and act to protect their property)

12. Bring pets

(our animals are prone to jealousy, they believe they are the only ones for you)

Any violation of zoo rules are grounds for withdrawal of the right to visit the zoo.