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Tax | Juscutum
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Natalia Radchenko
  • Audit of the contractual framework and business operations for identification of tax risks
  • Legal support during tax inspections
  • Services of tax attorneys
  • Defending interests of taxpayers in disputes with the regulatory authorities
  • Comprehensive accounting, fiscal and HR outsourcing
  • Construction of individual tax history

Though this goes beyond my appreciation, the tax law is always ready and willing to spring New Year surprises on the business. Yet, they are hardly joyful. That is why here are my warmest wishes. Be strong enough to resist. This has nothing to do with economic strength being spoken of by politicians. This is about the common confidence in future every human being would like to have. Take delight in the New Year spirit and make your ambitious plans for the future.

As the holiday is almost there, I would like to remind you that joy is a non-taxable value. So do enjoy it for all it is worth. As for the rest values, be sure the pleasure to provide you legal advice will be all mine.

Description of practice

Tax collection is the most ancient tool of maintaining the relationships between the state and people. One can find references to tax issues even in the Holy Bible. It took long for people to get used to voluntarily giving up the part of their income for the sake of their own good and prosperity. In the perfect world, tax payers get roads, social benefits, infrastructure development in return. Moreover, taxes are used to remunerate professionals who may not generate the actual revenue, but contribute greatly to development and welfare of society, state defense, including the protection of territories, and who are engaged in many other important social issues.

Though, we don’t live in the perfect world; therefore, some concepts do not always work the way we want them to. However, statistically, infrastructure of states where taxpayers perceive their duty as an axiom, is well-developed to ensure that people’s basic needs are satisfied, including sufficient nutrition, safety, high-quality healthcare services and education.

We try to deviate from the stereotyped consulting practice. We focus on risks audit and seek the best ways to implement non-trivial business models. If business activities are not subject to any special legislation, we develop the best tax solutions within the framework of the general applicable law.

Our most recently developed practice area is the support of individual entrepreneurs’ tax record histories. Very often, owners of companies in Ukraine concentrate on accounting and financial reporting as part of business development, but completely forget about financial management. Many of them simply fail to file their tax declarations. As a result, they have problems with their property acquisition histories, income legalization, establishment of communications, etc. We provide assistance in resolving the existing problems and maintaining the clean individual tax history.

Due to almost 10 years of experience in tax consulting, I have acquired clear understanding of the rules of Ukraine’s and the world’s tax games, as well as profound knowledge of the specifics of company financial management and individual revenue management. My primary task is to offer the client the best legitimate option in managing tax payments, to meet all client’s requirements and to ensure the most comfortable tax payment conditions possible.

Dear Client, here is my major pro-bono advice. Never hide your incomes. Smart tax optimization helps to avoid searches and seizures of documents by tax police. The world of taxes is not limited by Ukraine’s borders. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for advice. We do offer decent options.

(RU) Налоговые изменения в 2018 году глазами скептика. Наталья Радченко
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