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Practices :: Law Offices of OMP


Banking and Finance

Real Estate and Construction

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

Corporate and Labour Law

International and Ukrainian Tax Planning

Pharmaceutical and Medical Law

Intellectual Property Law

Legal Regulation of Agribusiness

Legal Protection of Foreign Investments

Legal Protection of Business

Land Law

Litigation, Disputes Resolution

Legal Support of Capital Markets Transactions

International Trade, WTO

Alternative Energy Forms

Migration Law

Family Law

Occupational safety and health

  • Securities
  • Banking and Finance
  • Real Estate and Construction
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
  • Corporate and Labour Law
  • International and Ukrainian Tax Planning
  • Pharmaceutical and Medical Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Legal Regulation of Agribusiness
  • Legal Protection of Foreign Investments
  • Legal Protection of Business
  • Land Law
  • Litigation, Disputes Resolution
  • Legal Support of Capital Markets Transactions
  • International Trade, WTO
  • Alternative Energy Forms
  • Migration Law
  • Family Law

Law Offices of OMP offers a full range of legal services, from complex capital market transactions to land disputes and international tax planning. The practice areas include:

  • Securities
  • Banking and Finance, Legal Support of International Financial Institutions Financing (EBRD and IFC)
  • Real Estate and Construction and Infrastructure Projects
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
  • Corporate and Labour Law
  • International and Ukrainian Tax Planning, Tax Audit and Tax Consulting
  • Pharmaceutical and Medical Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Legal Regulation of Agribusiness
  • Legal Protection of Foreign Investments in Ukraine
  • Legal Protection of Business
  • Land Law
  • Litigation, Disputes Resolution, International Commercial Arbitration, Specialized Arbitration (GAFTA, FOSFA)
  • Legal Support of Capital Markets Transactions (Eurobonds Issuance, Placement of Shares and Depositary Receipts, Securitization)
  • International Trade, WTO
  • Alternative Energy Forms
  • Migration Law
  • Family Law
  • Occupational safety and health
  • Dayneko



Notification on recent trends in monitoring on compliance with legislation in the promotion of medicines, medical products and dietary supplements


Law offices of OMP is successfully accompanied signing the contract of purchasing of medicine and medical products between CROWN AGENT and The Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine


Regular tax "Oscar" for our client!

08.11.2017: Ogorodniychuk Igor | How to fend off from raiders, how to renew a land lease agreement, what is the cost of agricultural land?

08.11.2017: Ogorodniychuk Igor | What's new in medicines promotion?

29.09.2017: | Farmers VS Agroholdings - named most promising model of development of Ukraine's agro-sector