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Institute of Professional Qualifications - News - Kyiv National University have undergone external evaluation of the revised academic programs

Kyiv National University have undergone external evaluation of the revised academic programs


Site-visits within the framework of ALIGN project have already initiated. The three Ukrainian universities: Sumy State University, Kyiv National University and Khmelnitsky National University have already undergone external evaluation of the revised academic programs.

Work Package 4 of the ALIGN project focuses on the piloting of developed mechanisms for alignment. Thus universities were expected to select two academic programs and review them, develop Learning Outcomes (LO) that are in line with the descriptors of NQFs, develop assessment methods for evaluating student achievement of LOs, develop necessary teaching and learning methods, curricula and other elements of the academic programs.

Peer-review panels comprising ALIGN EU experts and representatives of Quality Assurance Agencies of each partner country (Armenia, Russia and Ukraine) were supposed to evaluate achievement of alignment with NQFs by applying the following procedures: desk-review, site-visit and report production. 

Site visits to Ukrainian universities took place on June 6-17, 2016 (two days at each university). The expert panel led by EU experts Paul Hyland (Bath Spa Universit, UK) and David Quin (Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Ireland) thoroughly examined the self-evaluation reports of the reviewed academic programs and other related documents provided by each university. The expert panel had meetings with academic program staff, university administration, students and employers.

The next step will be the development of expert panel report which will include observations by the expert panel, their comments and recommendations for each university. This will be of great support to the universities for further imporvement.

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