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Partners | ICG kovalska
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Kovalska Industrial-Construction Group’s policy envisages, first of all, respectful attitude toward all customers regardless of degree of cooperation, because every one of them makes a contribution to the nation’s development – from improvement of own backyard to construction of residential and public properties. We are grateful to our partners who chose the quality of Kovalska ICG products, and look forward to continue doing business together.

The companies that greatly influence Ukraine’s construction industry and with which we are honored to do business deserve special mentioning:


Holding Company
UDP K.A.N. Development


Zhytloinvestbud-UKB Altis Holding Aerobud CJSC


Stolitsa Group
Kyiv Housing
Company LLC
ТММ Company





Miskzhytlobud CC LLC MZhK-1 LLC Ukrmonolitspetsbud Concern



Solstroi LLC


Miskbudinvest CC LLC



Centrenergobud LLC



Tekhenergotrade LLC Rubicon Trading
Construction Group


We also would like to note our regular supplier partners, thanks to which our enterprises receive the highest-quality raw materials always on time:





Podilskyi Cement OJSC Metinvest Holding LLC Unigran LLC