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Modern building mortars | ICG kovalska
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Modern building mortars


Modern building mortars Siltek mean complex of the most advanced technologies, materials and equipment that ensure efficient construction process, long service life, simple and cost-effective use.

SiltekTM products: combination of high quality, convenience in use and environmental friendliness.

During seven years, Terminal-M became one of the leading manufacturers of building mortars and proved itself as a reliable partner and manufacturer of high-quality products.

Excellent organization of production process and implementation of the latest and most advanced technologies, continuous improvement of recipes and renovation of our product range, and also close cooperation with reliable consumers and suppliers fully combine modern European level and the best traditions of Ukrainian manufacture.

Over 150 employees working at the enterprise are highly-skilled professionals at their job. Our experience and professionalism in building mix production and application sphere and continuous analysis of demand in construction industry help meet the most stringent consumer requirements and improve effectiveness of their performance. That constitutes one of our highest priorities.