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Integrites defended the interests of DHL – The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law
NEWS (August 12, 2016)

Integrites defended the interests of DHL

Integrites defended interests of the Ukrainian division of the largest logistics company DHL in the principle dispute with unfair client, which is for more than a year has failed to fulfill contractual obligations in the total amount of UAH 10.6 million. Integrites team including partner Denys Kytsenko and senior lawyer Maxim Zamikhovskyi, gained a convincing victories in proceedings in the Court of Appeal and then in the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine.

The uniqueness of the dispute was the complexity of relationships between the plaintiff and the defendant, which included the cross-border nature of the services provided, the involvement of foreign elements in the relationship and the essential conflict between legal document standards in the sphere of international transport and conservative requirements of national legislation.


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