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AEQUO defended a high net worth Ukrainian investor – The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law
NEWS (March 28, 2016)

AEQUO defended a high net worth Ukrainian investor

The AEQUO’s dispute resolution team has successfully defended interests of a high net worth Ukrainian investor before the Superior Administrative Court of Ukraine in a tax dispute. The claim was challenge of the tax assessment notice issued by the State Tax Inspection Authority, charging additional individual income tax worth around USD 1 million. The Superior Administrative Court of Ukraine supported Aequo’s attorneys’ arguments that the tax assessment notice is illegal, and dismissed the appeal of the State Tax Inspection Authority, upholding the decisions of the local and appellate administrative courts on granting the investor’s claims in their entirety. Myroslava Savchuk, attorney at law, and Anna Konovalova, associate, under the supervision of Pavlo Byelousov, counsel, represented the client in the court proceeding.


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