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Axon Partners opens its office in Lviv and launches new practice areas – The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law
NEWS (February 16, 2017)

Axon Partners opens its office in Lviv and launches new practice areas

Company’s Lviv office officially operates from 1 February. The Lviv team currently consists of three people: Yura Kornaga, Orest Gavryliak and Lida Klymkiv. It’s safe to say that Axon Partners Lviv branch can be already listed in TOP-50 of Lviv law firms, as per quantity of lawyers.

Along with Lviv office opening, Axon Partners extends the expertise in international tax, corporate and M&A. Yet, information technology remains the core industry practice of the firm.

“First, I’ll answer to the most frequently asked question: yes, our Lviv office is also located in a coworking space, it is iHUB Lviv at Zamknena street. It is the place where we will arrange our free legal advice hours for tech startups every Friday, like we usually do in Kyiv. For the last few years Lviv has been our second home: almost every week our lawyers have court hearings there, got meetings with our clients, participate in discussions of Lviv IT cluster legal committee or conduct lectures at UCU. But we all know that those are simply excuses, while we have been tempted by Lviv’s special culture, coffee and jazz music,” - Dima Gadomsky, CEO of Axon Partners comments.

The official launch of Lviv office will be held on 24 February, in iHUB Lviv, accompanied by ethno-jazz band “Shokolad” and nourished with a lecture of a famous Ukrainian historian, whose name is kept secret.




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