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Eterna Law represented interests of Ukrainian agroproducer in number of arbitration proceedings – The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law
NEWS (December 27, 2016)

Eterna Law represented interests of Ukrainian agroproducer in number of arbitration proceedings

Eterna Law successfully represented interests of major Ukrainian agroproducer and trader in number of arbitration proceedings before the ICAC at Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The disputes arose out of failure of the respondent to fulfil its contractual obligations under supply contracts. Eterna law team initiated few arbitration proceedings seeking repayment under the supply contracts. In result, all claims were satisfied in full and the client was awarded about USD 11 million.
The matter was handled by Igor Semenov,
counsel, Oleksandr Kravets, senior associate and Anastasia Klian, junior associate under supervision of Oleh Beketov, partner and head of International Litigation




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