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The High Court of London rejected the claim of PJSC Tatneft – The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law
NEWS (November 14, 2016)

The High Court of London rejected the claim of PJSC Tatneft

On  8 November  2016 the High Court of London handed down judgment on the claim of the Russian company Tatneft v. G. Bogolyubov, I. Kolomoisky, A. Yaroslavsky and P. Ovcharenko in favor of the four defendants. The High Court concluded that the claims against the two defendants have no "real prospect of success", and with respect to the other two defendants - that there is no "serious issue to be tried' on the merits of the claim (Para. 134).

Together with the team of English barristers and solicitors, Ukrainian law firm Grishchenko and Partners, partner Sergei Voitovich, counselors Maksym Makhynia and Sava Poliakov, participated in representing the interests of one of the defendants.




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