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Dentons strengthens its capabilities in Tax, International Trade and Information Technology – The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law
NEWS (August 1, 2016)

Dentons strengthens its capabilities in Tax, International Trade and Information Technology

Tetiana Gryn has joined Dentons’ Kyiv office as an associate in the Tax practice. She has more than 12 years of experience in tax advisory services, having previously worked at Asters and at Baker & McKenzie’s Kyiv office.

Gryn’s practice focuses on tax, customs and financial law, investment planning, and corporate restructuring.  She provides tax advisory to multinational and large Ukrainian companies and represents clients in tax disputes. Tetiana also regularly advises on tax issues of IPOs and Eurobonds.

Tetiana also focuses on information technology and intellectual property law, having advised various local and international technology companies on tax and labor projects, data privacy, and intellectual property protection. In addition, she has significant advisory experience regarding the import of encrypted products, including contacting the State Service of Ukraine on Export Control and the State Service of Ukraine on Special Communication and Data Protection.

Gryn is highly regarded in the field of international trade, in particular in issues related to cross-border supply operations, customs and tariffs, transport and logistics, food safety, and economic sanctions.


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