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International Legal Center EUCON defended Mikogen Ukraine – The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law
NEWS (April 1, 2016)

International Legal Center EUCON defended Mikogen Ukraine

International Legal Center EUCON defended the interests of Mikogen Ukraine, one of the leaders in producing mushroom compost on the European market, before the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine. The claim was filed by Mikogen Ukraine to Kremenets United State Tax Inspectorate in Ternopol region on cancellation of tax notice-decisions determining the amount of tax liabilities on VAT in the amount of UAH 15,1 million. The Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine rejected the cassation appeal of the Tax Inspectorate, and decisions of the courts of previous instances were left unchanged. The subject of the appeal was relations with respect to understanding of the technological process of creating a biological agricultural product which is a subject to preferential tax rates.  The court upheld the position of the taxpayer and cancelled the unlawful decisions of the Tax Inspectorate. Attorney, deputy head of litigation department of the ILC EUCON, Volodymyr Bevza, led by managing partner, attorney, Yaroslav Romanchuk, defended the interests of the taxpayer before the court.


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