
Second International Trade Show of Electric & Hybrid Vehicles, Plug-In Ukraine will be held on April 7-9, 2017 in KyivExpoPlaza venue, in Kyiv (2B, Salyutna st.)

Each day electric car gains more popularity comparing to other transport means.According to the expert data by 2020 every 10th car in Europe will be electric.

Electric vehicles(EV) have number of advantages:

  • no harmful emissions into environment;
  • possibility to charge it using home socket;
  • simplicity and low exploitation cost;
  • saving fuel in 10 times!

Main tasks of the trade show — public popularisation of eco-safe transport means, creation of civilized market of EV, development of infrastructure, launching of the platform to create strategy for development of "eco-friendly" transport in Ukraine.

Plug-In Ukraine trade show Will help the customer to get accurate information about all types of individual EV - cars, bicycles, scooters, motocycles - and make the right choice.

Exhibition Center
Official support
Ministry of infrastructure
general TV partner
The General radіopartner
Information support
Міністерство інфраструктури
генеральний телевізійний партнер
Інформаційна підтримка




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