Website creation

Without a doubt nowadays every business needs a website. The reality is that if you can’t be found on the Internet you are out of the competition. The most convenient way to set your foot in the net is to create a website.

To set up a website you have to…

To begin with your website is supposed to answer your visitors’ questions. Imagine yourself as your own customer and think of the questions you’d be interested in.

Once the primary questions list is done, work on it a bit more and at the end you’ll come up with the initial data for your future website: its structure and the list of pages. Once the list of pages is ready you can go on with the content preparation, which will be published on your website. Your next step would be going through the website development brief. If you do a good job on thinking over and responding to these questions, website developers will understand your needs better and will be able to pick the best website management system.

Website design

The design of the website plays a great role too. It has to be convenient and intuitive for the user, whilst it also has to meet all your requirements. The overall concept, color scheme, stylistic elements, text appearance and all other details have to be balanced in harmony.

Website development

Website development pursues the following goals: website concept implementation and the best conditions for its perfect functioning.

Website’s framework is its functional part. All functional modules of the website have to be carefully analyzed and connected into one synergic system. Together with the ergonomic design it all gives your customers the feeling of intuitive usage of your site.

Site content

The information published on the pages has to be presented in a clear and simple manner and be informative at the same time. Page display affects information comprehension greatly. Text quality is the key to readability and comprehension.

You shouldn’t underestimate the value of the content simply copy-pasting it from your competitors’ websites, as site visitors won’t read it if it’s not original. For same reason search engines will not include your website into the search results.

So what’s next?

Hurray! Your website has been created and published on the net.

Now it’s time to tell your target audience about it – to attract visitors to your website you need to gain their attention.

You can pick one or several ways of advertising and site promotion depending on your needs:

Context advertising in the search engines will give the possibility to attract target audience to your website quickly as it is one of the most flexible marketing tools on the internet.

But alongside with the context ads we suggest you to carry out an optimized site promotion so that you could get a natural flow of visitors from the search engines.

Don’t forget to add the information about your website to all the corporate attributes: business cards, corporate templates etc.

WEB industry