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24 марта 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Weekly review: Ambiguous movements after the referendum

The crisis in Crimea had new results a week ago. The referendum for the peninsula to become a part of Russia was not acknowledged by most of the world. As no military conflict arose between the two...

ICUDebtInsight-20140324.pdf  (1.3mb)

19 марта 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Government bond auction results: Trial market bids

Following last week’s increase in the cut-off interest rate for 3-month bonds, the MoF tested the market at yesterday’s auction to determine the real market interest rate. Of the five bonds o...

ICUDebtInsight-20140319.pdf  (365.5kb)

19 марта 2014 Bonds


FY13 trading update: EBITDA exceeds guidance

Despite slipping sales, higher profitability supported EBITDA. According to its FY13 trading update released on Monday, Metinvest reported revenues up 2% YoY to US$12.807bn while EBITDA increas...

ICUDebtInsight-20140319.pdf  (365.5kb)

18 марта 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Результаты аукциона по продаже ОВГЗ: Проба рыночных заявок

Сегодняшний аукцион стал для Минфина пробой увидеть реакцию рынка на повышение доходности на прошлой неделе и попробовать привлечь рыночный спрос. Данный эксперимент позволил увидеть уровни доходносте...

ICUDebtInsight-20140318-Rus.pdf  (429.3kb)

17 марта 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Weekly review: Week of political issues

Ukraine remained under the pressure of crisis in Crimea but a lot of positive news took place last week. Ukrainian Prime Minister A.Yatseniuk had an official visit to the US to reach a financial su...

ICUDebtInsight-20140317.pdf  (1.3mb)

13 марта 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Government bond auction results: Compensation of budget sources

After Tuesday’s failed primary auction, at which the MoF received no bids even with the routine support of domestic QE, yesterday’s unscheduled auction was expected. Most notably, the MoF bro...

ICUDebtInsight-20140313.pdf  (345.5kb)

12 марта 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Government bond auction results: Failed auction

Yesterday’s primary auction received no demand, including no routine bid for long-term bonds supported by domestic QE. Even the significant increase in banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU resul...

ICUDebtInsight-20140312.pdf  (334.4kb)

12 марта 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Результаты аукциона по продаже ОВГЗ: компенсация части бюджетных средств

После вчерашнего неудачного аукциона, когда отсутствовали заявки на весь перечень предложенных инструментов, даже на те облигации, покупка которых сопровождалась поддержкой через отечественную програм...

ICUDebtInsight-20140312-Rus.pdf  (447kb)