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ICU - Research
Market Surveys

Фінансовий щоденник

Репрофайлінґ портфелю НБУ наближається

10 Apr 2017Download

Daily Insight

Liquidity down as cash declines

10 Apr 2017Download

Фінансовий щоденник

Зниження ставки за річними ОВДП

5 Apr 2017Download

All industry report

Quarterly Report

Consumers have the spotlight

7 Feb 2017Download

Economic Insight

What President-elect Trump’s victory means for Ukraine's economy

10 Nov 2016Download

Quarterly Report

The patched road to reconstruction

17 Oct 2016Download

All industry report

Banking Sector Insight

About to take off

12 Jul 2016Download

Banking Sector Insight

FUIB announces recapitalization plan

9 Jun 2016Download

Banking Sector Insight

Wheels slip

1 Mar 2016Download

All industry report


Outlook update

26 Feb 2015Download


1H14 Earnings review: Unexpectedly strong

7 Aug 2014Download


3Q14 earnings review

4 Jun 2014Download

All industry report
Currency Indices
ICU Group provides the exchange rate index accountancy and publication since 2009. The given indices are updated daily and allows us to estimate the fundamental value of the monetary unit.
Updated exchange rate indexes

TWIs.xls  (638kb)

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Our research department is a team of leading professionals with extensive knowledge in their areas of expertise. Coverage ranges from macroeconomics and sovereign debt to key industries such as banking, metals, mining & agriculture.