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Policy Win: Cabinet of Ministers Supported 3-Months Cancellation of State Price Regulation for Socially Significant Food Products

The Chamber welcomes adoption of the CMU Resolution “On Implementation of the Pilot Project on Pricing for Goods and Services in Production and Sale of Food Products” (hereinafter – CMU Resolution) which temporary (for 3 months) cancels burdensome mechanisms of state regulation on pricing for producers and retailers. 

For more than 10 years, the Chamber has persistently advocated for the cancellation of state price regulation on socially significant food products, and now fully supports this long-awaited step towards complete cancellation of state price regulation. The CMU Resolution will eliminate both excessive state regulation of prices for socially significant goods and regulatory obstacles to doing business, which will increase the investment attractiveness of Ukraine and the number of market players. Moreover, it will ensure protection of economic competition, corresponding to the practices of European countries and the basic principles of competition.

Despite these positive changes, the Chamber will be persistent in its continued efforts for achieving the full cancellation of state price regulation on socially significant food products, and making sure that the problem of state price regulation is fully resolved.