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About Us

Our website presents the Public Joint-Stock Company "Centrenergo", one of the largest power generating companies in Ukraine, which plays a leading part in life-sustaining activity of such industrially advanced regions of Ukraine as Kyiv, Kharkiv and Donetsk regions.

Being an important part in support of the power balance of Ukraine, PJSC "Centrenergo" provides sustainable electricity supply according to NEC "Ukrenergo" schedules to the wholesale energy market and thermal energy for heating and hot water supply of the towns of Svitlodarsk (Donetsk region), Ukrainka (Kyiv region) and village Komsomolske (Kharkiv region).

The Company's structure comprises three thermal power plants - Vuglegirska, Zmiivska and Trypilska. The total designed capacity of the power plants makes 7600 MW that is equal to about 14 % of the total capacity of the Ukrainian power plants. With regard to this parameter the Company takes the second place among the thermal power generating companies in Ukraine. The Company's power plants are equipped with 23 power units with capacity from 175 up to 800 MW, including 18 coal-fired power units and 5 gas and fuel oil units. Within total electric power production in Ukraine the electricity share generated by PJSC "Centrenergo" makes about 8 %.

The Company's power plants have favorable geographical location that guarantees a stable demand for the electric power. Thus, the largest power plant of the Company - Vuglegirska TPP - is located in industrially advanced Donbass region of Ukraine, which is characterized by presence of a plenty of power-intensive industrial enterprises and proximity to the Russian borders. Donetsk coal basin is situated on the territory of the area. Zmiivska TPP is located on the territory of the Kharkiv region adjoining to the Donbass area and also has the advanced industry and agriculture. The third power plant of the Company - Trypilska TPP - is located in the Kyiv region nearby to the capital of Ukraine - city of Kyiv and after shutdown of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant it remains the most powerful source of the electric power on the territory of the Kyiv region. The electricity output pattern within the Company is as follows: Vuglegirska TPP provides the electricity production of 30 % of the total output, Zmiivska TPP - 40 %, Trypilska TPP - 30 %. The number of the Company's personnel totals about eight thousand workers, engineers and managers working as unified team who take care of stable electricity supply to the consumers.

Taking into account that the thermal power of Ukraine was actively formed in 60 - 80-ies of the last century, the major problem of the thermal power plants for today is their significant wear and tear of the generating capacities, use of obsolete technologies, non-compliance with modern requirements on reliability of operation, fuel utilization efficiency and TPP load regulation. The crucial current objective of PJSC "Centrenergo" remains the improvement of technical and economic parameters of the equipment operation trough reconstruction and modernization of the power units, enhancing the operating modes and quality repairs, reduction of the electricity and heat
cost of production, achievement of the regulation system's characteristics compliance with the European norms, reduction of environmental emissions. Thus the scientific and technical progress
achievements, experience of other countries in implementation of the state-of-the-art technologies and technical solutions in the thermal power engineering and feasibility studies of the projects should be taken into consideration.

The launch of privatization process in Ukraine will become in near-term outlook one of the factors for the power generating companies' stock value growth. According to analysts, PJSC "Centrenergo" shares are the best investment in thermal power sector. They are the most liquid assets among the power generating companies and they have an important weight within the index basket of the Ukrainian stock exchange, being favorites of the stock market.

The strategic benchmark for PJSC "Centrenergo" is the establishment of the dynamic international vertically-integrated power company meeting the best available practices of efficient management.