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Social Enterprise 5,718 articles

Facebook tweaks News Feed to prioritize friends' posts

The change "may cause reach and referral traffic to decline for some Pages," the company warned.

20 minutes ago by Stephanie Condon in Social Enterprise

Collaboration 2,532 articles

Blockchain: Over-hyped bandwagon or truly revolutionary technology?

Silicon Valley is hot on blockchain -- the technology behind the Bitcoin cryptocurrency -- and its many potrential uses.Blockchain's economic impact cou ld be as important as the Internet

43 minutes ago by Tom Foremski in Collaboration

E-Commerce 2,096 articles

Wal-Mart's latest offer takes on Amazon Prime

The retail giant's promotion of ShippingPass is its latest effort to become more competitive in the e-commerce space.

2 hours ago by Stephanie Condon in E-Commerce

Innovation 26,256 articles

Microsoft Research reveals significant advancements in gestural UI

Research efforts Handpose and Project Prague are set to take hand tracking to a new level, with significant implications for enterprise apps.

3 hours ago by Chris Kanaracus in Innovation

Networking 29,618 articles

Hillary Clinton wants broadband for everyone by 2020

Akamai's latest State of the Internet report indicates that giving everyone broadband is easier said than done.

3 hours ago by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols in Networking

Cloud 5,914 articles

Box launches Shuttle, aims to land data migration deals

Box wants to be an enterprise's system of record and has launched Shuttle to do the data migration heavy lifting.

4 hours ago by Larry Dignan in Cloud

Security 25,534 articles

A massive financial crime and terrorism database has leaked

The list contains 2.2 million names of high-risk individuals and organizations -- including those thought to be involved in financial crime and terrorism.

5 hours ago by Zack Whittaker in Security

Tech Industry 24,393 articles

Volkswagen to pay up to $14.7 billion in US emissions scandal probe

Customer deceit and circumventing software has cost the automaker dearly -- and the story isn't over.

6 hours ago by Charlie Osborne in Tech Industry

Mobility 26,052 articles

Samsung Pay readies Brazil launch

Trials are currently taking place ahead of a possible launch during the Olympics.

6 hours ago by Angelica Mari in Mobility

iPhone 1,601 articles

iPhone 7 may see Force Touch replace the Home button

The physical Home button, a feature that's been present on the iPhone since it debuted back in 2007, could be replaced with a touch-sensitive "Force Touch home button."

6 hours ago by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes in iPhone

Tablets 1,324 articles

Huawei MateBook 2-in-1 first impressions: iPad quality, but with the added bonus of Windows 10

The new Windows 10 powered 2-in-1 feels more like an iPad than a Windows 10 tablet, and that's a very good thing.

7 hours ago by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes in Tablets

Windows 10 447 articles

What to expect from the Windows 10 Anniversary Update

The unconventional evolution of Windows 10 continues with the upcoming release of the Anniversary Update, version 1607. It's not just a service pack. Here's what's new.

8 hours ago by Ed Bott in Windows 10

Data Centers 2,124 articles

Oracle aims to broaden SPARC's reach via cloud service

Oracle launched its SPARC S7 processor and it'll be offered on Oracle Cloud as a way to handle more workloads.

8 hours ago by Larry Dignan in Data Centers

Linux 2,133 articles

Hands on with KaOS Linux: Not just another derivative distro

KaOS is a clean, lean, KDE-focused Linux distribution. If you haven't tried it, this would be a good time. If you already have KaOS running, just make sure your system has the latest updates.

8 hours ago by J.A. Watson in Linux

EU 218 articles

Brexit fallout begins as Vodafone warns it could move headquarters out of UK

The technology giant is the latest firm to consider its future in a Britain that lies outside the European Union.

8 hours ago by Nick Heath in EU


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