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About the Company - ATB market
National Grocery
Stores Chain
Hotline ATB 0-800-500-415

About the Company

ATB-Market - part of Corporation ATB - is the largest, fastest growing networks in Ukraine.

Agrotekhbiznes company laid the foundation of ATB discounter chain in 1993. In the 2000s ATB network introduces a new self-service system in discounter format for the first time in Ukraine. Discounters are shops with a wide variety of goods at wholesale prices. Combined with a convenient location and high quality products, this format corresponds best to Ukrainian consumers.

So today millions of people appreciated the advantages of ATB discounter chains. According to research companies, it is the largest retail network in Ukraine now with more than 670 stores in more than 223 cities in 16 regions of Ukraine. During 21 year ATB are known as shops where you can buy quality goods and thus - save the family budget. Every day more than 2 mln. Ukrainians visit and buy food and goods in ATB. In the past 5 years ATB shows the highest growth rates. In 2014 the turnover of ATB retail chain amounted to 38 billion 859 million UAH (Including VAT).

Assortment of shop is over 3500 items, including more than 800 items of ATB private labels. By minimizing the cost of logistics and advertising, the price of such products are lower than average but the quality matches to the famous brand.

Success and high growth for more than 20 years is ensured by a friendly team. Professionalism, commitment to development, compliance with corporate standards and a high level of responsibility of each employee makes it possible to achieve our mission:

To provide the population of Ukraine with products of high quality at min prices. 

To ensure the goods quality by implementing high technologies and ethical conduct of retail business.

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