Pharmaceuticals Medical
  • LEGAL ALLIANCE, founded in 1995, is today one of the leading Ukrainian law firms specializing in legal support to pharmaceutical companies doing business in Ukraine and CIS countries.

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  • OUR CLIENTS represent the following industries: pharmaceuticals, medical devices, consumer goods, medicine, cosmetics, para-pharmaceuticals, chemistry, biotechnology, agriculture and food products.

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  • LEADING ASSOCIATIONS - AIPM Ukraine (The association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers) and APCU (Association of Perfumery and Cosmetics of Ukraine) have chosen Legal Alliance as their exclusive legal advisor.

About Us


Legal Alliance Company, founded in 1995, is today one of the leading Ukrainian law firms specializing in legal support to pharmaceutical companies doing business in Ukraine and CIS countries.

We advise leading companies working in the industries of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, consumer goods, healthcare, veterinary, cosmetics, parapharmaceuticals, chemistry, biotechnology, agriculture, food & beverages.

Legal Alliance has implemented and certified the quality management system in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001 that confirms the highest level quality of our services. The firm also has full professional liability insurance for the benefit of our clients.

Figures & Facts


Legal Alliance Company has been recognized on numerous occasions in the following international and national assessments: 

  • 2014-2015. LMG Life Sciences:  pharmaceutical regulatory, transactions in the field of pharmaceutical law.
  • 2013-2015. Who's Who Life Sciences Lawyers: pharmaceutical regulatory, intellectual property law, international transactions in the field of pharmaceutical law, product liability.
  • 2015. Best Lawyers International: intellectual property law, dispute resolution, corporate law.
  • 2012-2015. The Legal 500 EMEA:  intellectual property law, dispute resolution, corporate law.
  • 2015. Client's Choice. Top-100 Ukraine's Best Lawyers. Yuridychna Gazeta publishing house: pharmaceutical regulatory.
  • 2010-2015. Ukrainian Law Firms. A handbook for Foreign Clients: pharmaceutical regulatory.
  • 2013-2014. Yuridicheskaya Praktika, Kommersant-Ukraine, Forbes Ukraine publishing houses: pharmaceutical regulatory.
  • 2013. Gvardia of law firms. Contracts publishing house: pharmaceutical regulatory.
  • 2011-2012. Corporate INTL Magazine: awards under the nominations «Pharmaceutical Law Firm of the Year in Ukraine», «Antitrust Law Firm of the Year in Ukraine».
  • 2011. Ukrainian Legal Olympus: award under the nomination «For Development of Pharmaceutical Law».

Professional Involvement

We give our time and build professional relationships to better serve our clients, our community and our profession. 

Legal Alliance is represented in the Commission on Pharmaceutical Industry Issues of the Public Council of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH), in the Public Council under the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU), acts as an active member of the Healthcare Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (ACC).

We are an official legal partner of the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Ukraine (AIPM) and Association of Perfumery and Cosmetics of Ukraine (APCU). In 2011 Legal Alliance initiated formation Pharmaceutical law Committee of the Ukrainian Bar Association (UBA) one of the largest association of lawyers in Ukraine.




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