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In English :: Nash Mir (Our World) Gay & Lesbian Center
(095) 273-03-09

LGBT Human Rights NASH MIR Center

E-mail: coordinator(AT)
Telephone/fax: +380 44 296-34-24
Address: P.O. Box 173, Kiev, 02100, Ukraine
Contact person: Mr. Andriy Maymulakhin, Coordinator of Nash Mir
Statement Today, 5 November 2015, the Parliament of Ukraine once again deliberately ignored the interests of millions Ukrainians – the LGBT community in particular, – the recommendations of European institutions, and Ukraine's direct obligations to the European Union – by voting for the draft Labour Code...
The Ukrainian National Strategy on Human Rights: THE IMPORTANCE OF INCLUDING LGBT ISSUES This letter: The Ukrainian National Strategy on Human Rights: THE IMPORTANCE OF INCLUDING LGBT ISSUES       
Paving the way to changes: slow yet significant developments in anti-discrimiantion legislation in Ukraine The field of promoting equality and non-discrimination in Ukraine saw several significant developments in the beginning of May. First, there was the adoption of the bill 4581 "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine (On Preventing and Combating Discrimination)". Secondly, the High...

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