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  • 30 January 2015, 17:29 | Society-digest | 

    War and Peace in the 21st Century

  • 29 January 2015, 19:16 | Society-digest | 

    Ukrainians forgotten heroes of Auschwitz

  • 29 January 2015, 19:09 | Society-digest | 

    Seeking an End to the ‘Scandalous Disunity’ Between East and West

  • 28 January 2015, 20:44 | Kaleidoscope-digest | 

    The icon which the Kosaches prayed to...

    Volyn museum opened a room dedicated to the region’s sacred art

  • 28 January 2015, 20:01 | Society-digest | 

    Ukraine to ask Hague to investigate 'crimes against humanity'

  • 28 January 2015, 19:57 | Society-digest | 

    National History Center Holds Congressional Briefing on the Ukraine Conflict

  • 28 January 2015, 19:41 | Society-digest | 

    March in Grozny: a challenge to Europe

  • 26 January 2015, 19:05 | Society-digest | 

    Immortalized in stained glass

    'Priest in prison garb' saved Jews from Holocaust

  • 26 January 2015, 18:41 | Society-digest | 

    Calgarians show solidarity with Ukraine amidst latest conflict

    Olexandr Vasetsky wore a simple sign around his neck Sunday: the image of a yellow dove in a blue sky with the words ‘Peace In Ukraine.’

  • 26 January 2015, 18:37 | Society-digest | 

    As Ukraine violence continues, Pope renews call for dialogue

    During his weekly Angelus address, Pope Francis decried the recent escalation of violence in Ukraine, and later called on Christians to pray for unity with one another.

  • 23 January 2015, 18:23 | Society-digest | 

    Ukrainian church leader offers Just War defence of escalating violence

  • 23 January 2015, 18:15 | Society-digest | 

    POTUS on Ukraine: A Reverie

  • 23 January 2015, 18:12 | Society-digest | 

    Ukrainians shun Moscow Patriarchate as Russia’s war intensifies in Donbas

  • 21 January 2015, 19:57 | Society-digest | 

    CRIMEA: Convent closed following nuns' enforced departure

  • 16 January 2015, 17:04 | Society-digest | 

    Litigation epic of defending the historical Jewish quarter in Lviv ended up victoriously

  • 16 January 2015, 16:36 | Society-digest | 

    Survivors describe the horrors of falling into the hands of the 'Russian Orthodox Army'

  • 15 January 2015, 14:57 | Kaleidoscope-digest | 

    The roots of tradition in Ukraine’s folk holiday Malanka

    Throughout the year the village of Krasnoilsk, Ukraine, which lies about 7 miles from the border with Romania, lives like any other. Locals raise children, plant potatoes, breed sheep, and cut wood.

  • 13 January 2015, 14:28 | Society-digest | 

    Maidan Rising - The Fullness of Time

  • 13 January 2015, 14:07 | Society-digest

    Scattered Among States, Donetsk Jewish Community Inches Into 2015

  • 12 January 2015, 18:10 | Society-digest | 

    Pope Francis: Paris attacks the result of a ‘deviant form of religion’