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Services and prices

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Services and prices







Required services:

I. Admission to the University - $500 USA

Centre on the agent or foreigners request can give a complex of consulting services for selection and registration of the foreigner in the higher educational establishment of Ukraine.
1. Complex of services for choosing the higher educational establishment on the candidate’s request and execution of the invitation for study
2. Solution of a questions with the higher educational establishments about admission of the candidate and registration of the invitation for study.
3. Sending an Invitation letter by Express service (100$)

A student has to send us copies of required documents:
 Filled application form (scanned with a signature)
 Certificate of a secondary education (diploma)
 Medical certificate

4. Payment of the first bill by the student
5. Sending the invitation to the consulate of Ukraine in the candidate’s country
6. Helping in receiving visa

II. Execution for study - $250 USA  
1. Sending to a student a leer from the company which is required on a custom control and in the University        
2. To the Centre’s complex of services for registration foreigners in the higher educational establishment in Ukraine include:
 Consulting services about entrance procedure, passing borders and  customs control, and all necessary documents, things, means;
 Meeting candidate at the airport and helping in passing borders and  customs control;
 Orientational lection about quick adaptation to study and living in Ukraine;
 Helping in arriving to the selected higher educational establishment ;
 Direct student to the representative of the higher educational establishment;
 Helping in executing the necessary documents for entrance to the higher educational establishment and helping with the dormitory;

III. Medical insurance - $ 230 USA

Covered amount – 10 000 EUR
Insurance price for 1 year – 1095,00 UAH (230$)

Not required service:

Adaptation – from $100 USA/month
This service is offered after arriving to Ukraine and is directed fo pport and quick adaptation to the peculiarities of living and study in Ukraine. Cost of such service mentioned in the agreement with duration in 1 month, which the agent, student or his representative will sign with the Centre.Initial price – from $100 USA/month.



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