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What is a "domain name"?

A domain name is a unique identifier. Domain name or briefly "domain" is necessary element of addressing in the Internet. There is the Domain Name System that links names with numerals of addresses, using this system computers can connect with each other. People use a domain for search of information in the Internet or for send of letter by email.

Domain name consists of several fields which are separated by points. Right field is called top-level domain (com, info, org, ru, etc.), and to the left specifies the names of low-level domains. Top-level domain has own administrator who is responsible for management and regulation of this domain. Depending on wishes of the owner, a domain name can function or not to function. If domain name is active, then domain connects with IP-address where site is placed. First domains appeared in the 80-ies. Later in the United States began to appear national domains.

Sometimes choose a domain name can be difficult. You should determine at first with purpose of site for which is created domain. For example: For a corporate site you must decide, what is more important, to include into domain name the company name or to hint about its activities. If it is a personal page then is better to create domain name that match the name or surname of site owner. Domain name should be short and easy to remember. If you liked name is already taken, do not despair and think up a new one. Also, when you create a domain name, it is advisable to get acquainted with recommendations for protection of domain name from unwanted interception.

What is "hosting"? Why do you need hosting?

Site should be placed at specific location in the Internet in order that users could see and open it. This place is called hosting. We can say that hosting - it is the place for the site.

Most companies launch business sites for their development. In this case is very important to choose a suitable web hosting. We offer to consider the following basic recommendations, which help you to choose the best web hosting.


Price should match your competitiveness. Do not exceed your budget, because you will need capital for other purposes. Comparing different offers you should choose one with the best financial conditions.


Reliability is very important when choosing a hosting. From reliable operation of hosting depends downtimes and technical errors that could undermine the reputation of your site. While from reliable operation of your site depends sales and future profits. You should compare offers and choose the most reliable hosting.

Customer Support

When choosing a hosting you should consider the level of customer support also you should make sure that all your questions would not remain without a response by the hosting provider. You must be sure that you get answers to your questions quickly and at any time.

Above, we have listed three main criteria which consider when choosing a hosting.