iStockphoto/Anthony Rosenberg

The turnip, a hardy biennial that is grown as an annual, sports a rosette of hairy, bright green leaves growing from a swelling at the base of the stem. The turnip is more commonly grown for use as a root vegetable, but it can also be grown for the leaves, which are used as greens.

Common Name: Turnip

Hardiness: Hardy (may survive first frost)

Hardiness: Hardy (may survive first frost)

In the next section, we'll show you how to grow turnips.


Want even more information about growing Turnips? Try these links:

  • Vegetable Gardens: Grow a full harvest of great vegetables this year.
  • Gardening: We answer your questions about all things that come from the garden.
  • Turnip Recipes: Put your home-grown veggies to use with these recipes.
  • Seeding Turnips: You'll want to seed turnips directly into your garden--learn how!