Green Living

Act for Good

When Krysten Ritter, of ABC’s "Don’t Trust The B---- In Apartment 23," isn’t preparing for a TV or movie role, you may find her driving around L.A. in her Prius.

Reed Davis

When Krysten Ritter, of ABC’s Don’t Trust The B---- In Apartment 23, isn’t preparing for a TV or movie role, you may find her driving around Los Angeles in what she describes as a “tricked out” Prius. “It’s red with rims and a rhinestone plate holder,” says Ritter. “It makes me feel fabulous.” The brunette beauty has harnessed that same quirky sense of style in order to do good by partnering with fashion designers to help her favorite charities. Here, Ritter reveals her cherished causes, favorite foods and why sleep is a top priority.

Q: What role does eating a healthy diet play in your lifestyle?
A: On a daily basis, I try to eat 80 percent super healthy. I start the day with a cup of yerba mate with almond milk. For lunch, I’ll usually have a giant salad with lots of vegetables drizzled with olive oil and lemon. At dinner, I can still satisfy my cravings for pizza, pasta or Mexican food, so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on my favorites. I also love plain Greek yogurt with granola, toast with avocado, and I put onions on everything!

Q: You grew up on a Pennsylvania cattle farm. What influence has that background had on your eating habits?
A: We had 30 cows that we considered pets. They had names like Jake and Kelly. It was a very humane, self-sufficient farm. Growing up that way, I was naïve about how industrial farms were run. When I saw the documentary Food, Inc., I was scared to death. Seeing that kind of industrial food production was really upsetting, and now I try to support local farmers and eat organic food as much as I possibly can.

Q: How do you stay in such good shape?
A: I’m all about sweating. I take Spinning classes at my local YMCA, I read scripts on the treadmill and I love ashtanga yoga. What’s amazing about yoga is that you can do it anywhere. Even with my busy schedule, I find the time to do a series of five Sun Salutations at least three times a week. I also try to be realistic about my fitness goals. I want to feel good, be stimulated and have more energy. It’s great to move, but I always want to have fun while doing it.

Q: As a celebrity, you’ve been able to combine your love of fashion with charity. What are your favorite causes?
A: I feel that because I do have a platform, it’s my duty to speak up about things I care about. I’m interested in causes that help children and give them a voice. In May 2011, I collaborated on a dress with fashion designer Corey Lynn Calter, and the proceeds of all sales went to Dare to Share, which focuses on special needs children. I also participated in a Christian Dior event for Operation Smile, which provides corrective surgery for children with cleft palate, and I’m designing a collection of shoes for Alice + Olivia. They are girly and delicate, but functional, too. The profits from the shoes will go to Jessica Seinfeld’s charity Baby Buggy, which provides essentials to families in need.

Krysten Ritter’s Top 5 tips for healthy living
1. Drink your vegetables I love my Breville juicer. I try to have three or four juices every day. My favorite is green juice with lettuce, kale, parsley, spinach and celery.
2. Make time to snooze The only time I really get stressed out or overwhelmed is when I haven’t had enough sleep, so getting z’s is a priority.
3. Listen up Music helps me get out of my head and relax. Sometimes I dance or just lie down on the floor and listen.
4. Stride on Long walks alone help me get centered. It’s one of my favorite ways to exercise.
5. Stay hydrated I always have a big bottle of water with me. The more I drink, the more clearheaded I am.