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Experience - Vasil Kisil & Partners
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Found 299 matters

Data protection advice

Client: A subsidiary of world leader of Web-search resources

Lead partner: Oksana I. Voynarovska

Employment advice

Client: A leading Japanese automaker

Lead partner: Oksana I. Voynarovska

Hudson Global Resources – data protection advice

Client: Hudson Global Resources

Lead partner: Oksana I. Voynarovska

Termination advice

Client: A Ukrainian subsidiary of major Swedish bank

Lead partner: Oksana I. Voynarovska

Termination advice

Client: A leading Ukrainian publishing holding

Lead partner: Oksana I. Voynarovska

Termination advice

Client: Manuchar

Lead partner: Oksana I. Voynarovska

Dispute regarding breach of warranties in a loan facility agreement

Client: A major French bank

London & Regional Properties (UK) – borrowing a USD 140 mln loan from Hypo Real Estate Bank International AG for financing of Globus Trade Center (Kyiv, Ukraine), and acquisition and hedging of the loan-related risks by the interest rate swap agreement

Client: London & Regional Properties (UK)

Dispute over share purchase and sale agreements

Client: A subsidiary of the major German telecommunications company

Lead partner: Oleg A. Makarov

LG Electronics – safeguard investigation in Ukraine related to the importation of household refrigerating and freezing appliances

Client: LG Electronics

17/52-A B. Khmelnitskogo St. Kyiv 01030 Ukraine +38 044 581 7777
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