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by Cassie Title

For New York City-area viewers, last night was the second time in a matter of weeks that "The Vampire Diaries" didn’t air at its normally scheduled time. It’s always supposed to be 8, then it was supposed to be 9, (and when it wasn’t, I was all: IS THIS REAL LIFE?) then, it was finally shown at 10. But I was so tired by that time that I couldn’t even appreciate how perfect it was that "The Vampire Diaries" was actually airing on Halloween! (There must be some kind of symmetry to that, right?) But then we (SPOILER ALERT!) found out that NADIA is actually KATHERINE’S DAUGHTER, and all was well with the world again. Here’s what happened:

1. Elena attempted to make a new friend, Aaron, who used to live in Melrose Place, whom she met at Megan’s roadside memorial. Turns out he was a hometown friend of hers. Aaron seemed mysterious, and wouldn’t even tell our girl his name, but he did reveal one thing: He doesn’t think Megan killed herself. Fast forward to the Whitmore Historical Ball, where she compelled him to ask if he killed Megan. He didn’t, but he said that everyone around him dies, basically making him the male version of Elena Gilbert. (Is he also secretly a doppelganger? You never know...) Last surprise about Aaron? His guardian (father?): Dr. Maxfield. The very same guy who turned Jesse into a vampire, proceeded to give him a very extensive medical test while talking his observations into a recorder (too much?) and then weirdly canoodled/danced with student Elena at the ball, where he told her that a vampire killed Megan, people are watching her (and her friends) and she should leave Whitmore and go back to Mystic Falls.


Tags Vampire Diaries

by Ryan J. Downey

Last night's episode of "The Originals" didn't just reveal a bunch of secrets, history and motivations for central characters. It was a virtual Fabergé Egg full of surprises, providing a grand look at the beautiful tapestry the show has woven with seemingly unconnected story lines that converged masterfully in less than an hour onscreen.

Davina solidified her alliance with the Originals, Elijah put diplomacy in motion vs. all out war, the truth behind the church massacre came to light, Klaus and Marcel came to blows and most importantly, the witches plot was revealed.

Last week, Elijah awoke from his magic-dagger induced slumber and began a conversation with Davina. That conversation continued, as the backstories behind the witches and Davina, Marcel and Devina, the late Jane Anne and her sister Sophie, and Klaus being lured back to New Orleans came together through a series of conversations between different characters. Elijah and Davina in the attic; Sophie, Hayley and Rebekah wandering the bayou; Klaus and Marcel sharing a drink—it may sound complicated, but it wasn't. It was frankly beautiful how it was all tied together.


Tags The Originals

by Cassie Title

You know, every time I watch the first couple minutes of "The Vampire Diaries," I'm overcome with the realization that I totally don’t need to do these recaps, because Stefan’s new 30-45 second voice-over against a backdrop of scenes from previous episodes is, besides—being incredibly melodramatic and annoying—a really fantastic roundup of the story thus far. The only thing that would make it better? Snark. Which, fortunately for you guys, I have enough for the both of us. (Meaning Stefan and I.)

So, now that I’ve come to another realization (that I do, in fact, need to write these recaps, if only for the undying pleasure they give me and, of course, for the snark), let’s just get to it, shall we? (We shall.) I’m trying something different today, so just go with it.


Tags Vampire Diaries

by Ryan J. Downey

It goes without saying that recaps are full of spoilers, but this week, it bears repeating. There be some doozies up in here.

Last night's episode of "The Originals" gave us two deaths that turned out to be fake outs, new revelations about Klaus' little baby hybrid in the making, some mysterious players on the hunt for Hayley, much of Cami's backstory, the supernatural ninja-like return of Elijah, and Klaus' possession of Marcel's secret weapon, a.k.a. Davina The Teenaged Witch (that's gonna become a thing, right?).

And somewhere in there, Rebekah wore a corset in a mix of dreamworld/telepathy/flashback/fan-fiction (er, wait, maybe that's just me on the last part...), one of Marcel's right-hand guys expressed some frustration with the tyrannical bossman, and we met a powerful un-compellable vervain-swallowing priest whose church was the site of a grisly massacre and who has a tense alliance with Marcel.


Tags The Originals

by Lauren Mandel

If you thought you weren’t ready for Halloween, chances are last night’s line-up on ABC Family most definitely put you in the mood! And by that we mean, you’re literally shaking in your seat, checking under your bed for ghosts and trying to convince yourself that you are safe from all supernatural harm!

Night four of the “13 Nights of Halloween” delivered surprises, mystery, cliffhangers and more with the annual “Pretty Little Liars” Halloween special and premiere of “Ravenswood.”

The night began with one of the most game-changing episodes in “Pretty Little Liars” history. So, let’s get right to it: Alison DiLaurentis is alive!


Tags Pretty Little Liars, Ravenswood

by Cassie Title

Okay, guys. Remember how excited I was after watching big mythology/origin-reveal episodes, like “Klaus” and “Ordinary People”? Well, seeing “Original Sin” was like that, times 1,000.

Lest you think I’m exaggerating (I’m not. An excerpt from my notes actually reads: “THIS IS THE EPISODE I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR ALL MY LIFE”), let’s get this party started.


Tags Vampire Diaries

by Ryan J. Downey

Two different times, someone called Niklaus Mikaelson "diabolical" on last night's episode of "The Originals." The vampire/werewolf hybrid and black sheep of the ancient Original vampire family even referred to himself as "the devil in disguise" during "Tangled Up in Blue," the third proper episode of the CW's latest supernatural series, spun-off via a backdoor pilot from "The Vampire Diaries."

There was a Romeo and Juliet type story within the episode, a bit of a love rectangle between four central characters, a handful of deaths and a "TVD" style costumed ball. This one was filled with wealthy charity donors, vs. high school kids.

And thanks to a magic spell, we learned that Hayley's fanged bun in the oven is a girl! What's that say about fathers and daughters and karma and all of that? Poor Klaus sure has bedded, bitten, compelled, tortured and murdered a lot of ladies! Yikes.


Tags The Originals, The Vampire Diaries

by Ryan J. Downey

Man, last night sure put the "origin" in "The Originals"! Plus, two very important secrets were revealed.

Now we know Marcel's backstory! Plus we learned about Klaus' master plan to take back New Orleans, even as Klaus learned about Marcel's secret weapon that gives his former protege control over the town's witches, vampires and law enforcement types.

Let's begin by breaking down the episode's title, shall we? "House of the Rising Son" most likely refers to two different things. One of them involves the relationship between Klaus and "The Originals" Big Bad Marcel. It turns out Klaus wasn't just a mentor, he was a father figure! In a flashback we were introduced to Marcel as a young boy, who was saved from a cruel whipping thanks to a well placed vampiric toss of an apple that knocked a wicked slave master from his horse (and from this plane of existence).


Tags The Originals

by Ryan J. Downey

Julie Plec had her work cut out for her with last night's series premiere of "The Originals."

"The Vampire Diaries" executive producer created and launched the new drama about the Original vampire family via what the television industry calls a "backdoor pilot": a tester of sorts disguised as an episode of "The Vampire Diaries." That maneuver doesn't always work (sorry about your luck, Dwight Schrute centered spin-off from "The Office"), but this one passed with flying colors.

The appropriately titled "Always and Forever" series premiere had the difficult challenge of establishing a new show for folks who've never seen "TVD" (and seriously, who are those people?), while pleasing longtime fans of the Mystic Falls mythology. And the way the season premiere was able to simultaneously serve audiences both old and new was nothing short of excellent to say the least.


Tags The Originals

by Josh Sorokach

This week, "Glee" presents the Beatles with the greatest gift a television series centered on a glee club can bestow upon a band: by immortalizing them with a musical homage for a second straight week! Other than being knighted, and perhaps the birth of his children, this is probably the highest honor ever presented to Sir Paul McCartney.

Let's get to the action!

McKinley High:
McKinley High's prom is approaching, and everyone is eagerly awaiting the nominees for prom king and queen. Mr. Schue crosses his fingers in anticipation—seemingly unaware that he is ineligible since, despite his overwhelming behavior that would suggest the contrary, he is not technically a student.


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