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  • Feast Your Eyes On Cover And EXCLUSIVE Excerpt From Margaret Stohl's 'Idols'
  • 'Beautiful Player' Audiobook EXCLUSIVE: Let's Get Hot And Sweaty!
  • Peep The EXCLUSIVE Book Trailer For Marie Lu's 'Champion'

At first, this EXCLUSIVE clip from soon-to-be-released movie "How I Live Now" looks like just another cozy camping scene in the English countryside...even if there is a semi-automatic weapon lying on the floor beside the sleeping children in their ramshackle blanket fort. But don't get too comfortable, y'all: As one of the recently wakened kids peeks out the door in the cold morning light, SHIZZ GOES CRAZY. And crazy it will remain, because this is just a wee taste of the action and excitement in store when this film hits theaters next Friday!

Based on the novel by Meg Rosoff, "How I Live Now" stars Saoirse Ronan as Daisy, a teen who's reluctantly left the U.S. to spend her summer vacation with distant family in a remote English village. But just when she's starting to enjoy her idyllic retreat to the countryside, the getaway goes from dream vacation to bullet-riddled nightmare, as a massive global war suddenly breaks out and turns friendly old England into a very dangerous place for an American girl. With disastrous consequences guaranteed if she's discovered, Daisy is forced to run and hide, and to put her trust in the few people who are willing to keep her safe.


Tags How I Live Now, Saoirse Ronan, Video

First came the Icons: alien structures whose arrival heralded the end of the world as we know it. Now, comes "Idols": the second book in Margaret Stohl's series. It's the next chapter in the lives of Dol, Ro, Luca and Tima, four teens whose hearts are somehow impervious to the Icons' power. And if you can't wait to see what's in store for the survivors of book No. 1 in the follow-up, then hey, guess what, you don't have to. We've got the EXCLUSIVE cover reveal, plus an excerpt that brings you blazing into the world of "Idols"! And we do mean "blazing," because when we catch up with Dol, she's about to meet a fiery demise in the wreckage of a doomed helicopter.

The good news: They'd never kill off our heroine on the first page of her own trilogy. The bad news: She's clearly in for a rough freakin' time, between being sent on a mission to destroy the Icons and having problematic feelings for two of the dudes she's supposed to be destroying them with. Ugh! Love triangles! Always getting in the way when you're busy trying to save the world, amirite? But Dol's tough, and we think she can handle it...although it'll be July before we know for sure, since this excerpt leaves us high and dry just a couple chapters into the story. (Unless someone wants to go hound Margaret Stohl for deets at YALLFest in Charleston; she's the lady in charge.)


Tags Icons, Idols, Margaret Stohl

This one goes out to all the "Beautiful" people: Today marks the publication and audiobook release for Christina Lauren's latest "Beautiful Bastard" novel, "Beautiful Player," and we not only have an EXCLUSIVE excerpt for your aural pleasure, but also an interview with the authors and narrator Grace Grant!

In "Beautiful Player" we meet Hanna Bergstrom, a New York transplant who moves to the city to pursue graduate studies. But the education she really needs is in fostering a healthy social life. Her older brother tasks his long-time bud (and seasoned womanizer) Will Sumner with the honors. Will's known Hanna (otherwise known as "Ziggy") since she was a kid, but things are different when they reunite all these years later. And by "different" we mean "sexy."


Tags Beautiful Player, Christina Lauren, Video

If you've been following the excitement of Marie Lu's "Legend" series, then you know that things are about to get serious leading into the third and final book. And if you're wondering just how serious, let us be the first to tell you: The epic conclusion to this dystopian trilogy is at least as serious as a guy vaulting over two concrete barriers in a row like some kind of spring-loaded monkey. How do we know? 'Cause we've got the exclusive first peek at the book trailer for "Champion"! And now, SO DO YOU.

It hasn't been an easy time for June and Day, the heroes of "Legend." For two books now, they've been in the thick of manipulation, betrayal and desperate attempts to uncover the truth about their war-torn nation and its endless conflicts with surrounding countries. But now, the pair are finally back in the good graces of the Republic: June in an elite government position, and Day in a high-ranking military role. But after so much struggle and so many secrets, don't count on a happy, easy ending just yet. Before a peace can be broached, plague sweeps through the border cities and threatens the start of a brand new war—a war that June knows how to stop, but at a terrible cost. Eeeeep! With a tease like that, it's a good thing that this book hits shelves in just five short days...and it's a good thing we didn't have any plans for next week, because we're gonna be hiding out in a blanket fort with "Champion" til the bitter end.


Tags Champion, Marie Lu

by Ryan J. Downey

"The Vampire Diaries" gave us the gorgeous girl power BFF trio of Elena, Caroline and Bonnie. Could another crew of attractive supernatural women be forming a BFF trio of their own down in New Orleans?

It's not easy for Original sibling Rebekah Mikaelson to make friends, but her undead blood quickly warmed to Hayley, the werewolf bad girl who is carrying Klaus Mikaelson's seemingly impossible vampire-werewolf hybrid child. The two met only recently on "The Originals," but Claire Holt and Phoebe Tonkin were costars on a show in Australia and neighbors in Los Angeles.

That undeniable friend chemistry is evident onscreen. This exclusive photo from tonight's brand new episode, "Sinners and Saints," boasts Rebekah and Claire looking their usual deadly serious/drop dead gorgeous selves, joined by local witch Sophie Deveraux.


Tags Claire Holt, Daniella Pineda, Phoebe Tonkin, The Originals

Here in the secret underground lair of the YA literati, our radar is blowing up all over the place thanks to the latest big news in book deals. What is it? Only a screen-ready series that has Hollywood franchise written all over it—not least because it's been written by a decorated veteran of the YA book-to-film machine!

The book is "Scan," by Pouya Shahbazian (a.k.a. Walter Jury) and co-author Sarah Fine (a.k.a. S.E. Fine), an action sci-fi story that has all the zany contraptions and crazy antics and secret aliens a girl could ever want. And today, we've got the special EXCLUSIVE debut of its bee-yoo-tiful cover, which we are simultaneously salivating over and terrified by, because that thing in the top right-hand corner is super scary and eeeeaaaagh I think it's looking at me.


Tags S.E. Fine, Scan, Walter Jury

What happens when the grim, eerie world of Night Vale collides with the fabulous adventures of one Magnus Bane? GREAT THINGS, you guys. Today marks the release of "The Fall of the Hotel Dumort", the latest installment of the Bane Chronicles series detailing the life and times of the most magnificent warlock of the "Mortal Instruments" universe; and narrating novella number 7 is none other than Cecil Baldwin, otherwise best known as the beautiful baritone who delivers us the Night Vale podcast bimonthly. Which means that whatever Bane is up to at Hotel Dumort in the seedy NYC of the 1970s, he's going to sound fabulous doing it.

And in honor of the hotly-anticipated seventh story from Bane's illustrious past, we've got two delightful exclusives to put in your earholes: an interview between Cecil and co-author Maureen Johnson, and a first listen to an excerpt from the audiobook.


Tags Cassandra Clare, Cecil Baldwin, Fall of the Hotel Dumort, Maureen Johnson, Video

For Gayle Forman and Jo Knowles, good things come in pairs. The authors have both penned what you might call "dualogies," companion novels in which one is written from the girl's point of view, and the other, from the boy's. Gayle's latest, "Just One Year," hits bookstore shelves this week, and to celebrate, the women sat down to discuss their respective literary double doses.

Jo Knowles: Like many of your readers, I was on the edge of my seat reading "Just One Day," wondering if Allyson would find Willem. So when I got to the end of the book, I was like, "BUT BUT BUT... WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?????" Did you always know there would be a follow up? And if so, did you know what the point of view would be?

Gayle Forman: There was about a week when I thought "Just One Day" would be a standalone (with the same ending, BTW!), but then I was in the shower—do you have breakthroughs in the shower?


Tags Gayle Forman, Jo Knowles, Jumping Off Swings, Just One Day, Just One Year, Living With Jackie Chan

If Jason Bourne and his memory-impaired cohorts have taught us anything in life, it's that "on the run, with the government after you and with giant gaping holes in your consciousness" is a decidedly unfortunate way to be—so we're seriously freaked for Sloane and James, the couple we first met in Suzanne Young's YA thriller "The Program."

The book takes place in a world where teen suicide has become an epidemic; the titular Program is where angsty young people go to be "cured" via a mysterious method that stops their depression but also leaves them as blank, amnesiac shells of their former selves. And if you're wondering what comes next for the pair, here's a hint: Just take a peek at our EXCLUSIVE reveal of the cover of its upcoming sequel, "The Treatment."


Tags Suzanne Young, The Program, The Treatment

A princess locked away in a tower, slumbering in a cursed sleep. A tiny man who will save your life in a time of need, but only in exchange for your firstborn child. A withered talisman that grants your wishes—in ways that'll make you wish you were dead. Yep, it's official: Classic literature is absolutely chock-full of things that give us the screaming meemies...and now, 12 savvy writers have woven these old-school stories into a collection of extremely modern scares. The book is "Rags & Bones," an anthology of creepy tales retold by authors like Neil Gaiman, Rick Yancey, Holly Black, and Melissa Marr—and if you're looking for something to go "BUMP!" in your night, look no further than this here blog, where we've got an EXCLUSIVE sneak peek at one of the book's most chilling contributions!

"Awakened" is Melissa Marr's short story, born of a marriage between Kate Chopin's classic short story, "The Awakening," and ancient Irish folk tales of mysterious women who slip in and out of the sea in disguise.


Tags Awakened, Melissa Marr, Rags & Bones

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