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Аграрний страховий пул. Агрострахування в Україні.

The fate of the Agricultural insurance pool in bizness-semіnar

April 24, 2014 at Hotel “Bratislava” in Kiev for the first time at a specialized forum “New technologies of GIS and remote sensing in Ukraine” held a workshop “Space Technologies for agribusiness .” The event was invited Prezident of Agricultural insurance pool, VitaliySamarskyy.

Agricultural Insurance pool actively involves new technologies to work effectively

From 2013 Agricultural Insurance pool is working with the State Scientific and Production Center “Nature” for the purpose of sampling the state of the crops taken to insure insurance companies – members of the pool based on space monitoring.

(Українська) Аграрний фонд розпочав виплати додаткового авансового платежу

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(Українська) Пул запроваджує сучасну, безпечну та прозору систему обліку договорів та управління бізнес-процесами в агрострахуванні

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Our charming woman!

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