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Advertising.UA – is the first of a kind online guide to the marketing industry in Ukraine. It is a complete and the most sophisticated yet purely intuitive and easy use business directory, designed to ensure a seamless access to an agency or media that matches the criteria of the marketing strategies of your business. The most prominent among the number of features that distinguish from its conventional counterparts - is the method by which the industry information is updated. Advertising and media agencies are provided the capability to manage information about their service in real time, by using administrative tools within their virtual office to update the company’s interactive business card with new portfolio elements, awards and designations, contact information and staff’s credentials.

Interactive business card

The complementary feature that provides at no extra charge is the ability to publish information about your business and its services in both Russian and English languages. Depending on the company’s preference and the budget, you can choose to go with either Simple or Advanced interactive business card option.

The Simple version is free, and it includes displaying the company name and logo, brief description of the scope of services and limited contact information. Whereas the Advanced version includes the aforementioned and offers additional value features that explore the extended functionality of this business directory.

The extended features may provide your potential clients the convenience of the following:
  • Detailed information about your company and its service spectrum;
  • Company’s portfolio page with access to the comments, where you can describe business cases associated with the portfolio items – to show what you take pride in;
  • Company’s awards page – to brag about your achievements;
  • A page with the profile of the company’s executive management and the first-string staff members - their picture, area of expertise and any other professional/ personal info that you deem will foster the credibility and reliability towards your business in you prospect’s mind even before they make a call.

Homepage premier logo placement

This is an additional feature offered by this business directory, which will give you a substantial advantage in promoting your business. Your logo appears on the web site’s homepage and the icon contains a hyperlink which, once is clicked, redirects the leads directly to your company’s business card in the online directory.


Banner advertising is the most common mode to advertise in the Internet, and it is deemed to be more effective when your ad is placed in the specialized web sites

Terms and conditions:
  1. All fees must be paid in full in order for an advertising material to be published on the site.
  2. To order services provided by the site you must get in contact with the advertising manager.
  3. Payments are accepted by electronic money transfer.
  4. All prices do not include taxes. All electronic money transfers must include Sales tax (20%), ad advertising tax (0.05%), etc.


Advertising manager – Victoria Kharakhash

Technical support and administration - Sergey Ryabchich

10-12 Zlatoustovskaya Street, Office 4, Kiev 01135, Ukraine
Phone: +380 44 490-61-31
Fax: +380 44 490-61-32

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