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UPECO | NeftRynok | Professional weekly magazine



UkrPetrolConsulting Ltd.

Our company Upeco (UkrPetrolConsulting) was established back in 1994 as energy department of Ukraine's Press Agency. Today UPECO is Ukraine's leading oil and gas consultancy service.

Our solid reputation of the leading oil and gas market information supplier in Ukraine is based on the scope and quality of our service, our ability analyze the market with the highest priority given to our clients' needs.

What we do
  • We offer a broad range of consulting, publishing and printing services, as well as offer our help in our clients' PR efforts as a media company. We work in all segments of Ukraine's energy market, from upstream to the regional retail operators.
  • We publish market overview for large vertically integrated companies, study scenarios for the most successful entry into Ukraine's exploration and production projects, as well as into wholesale and retail markets, offering our clients insight on all relevant aspects of the market entry.
  • Upeco published monthly reports on oil and gas production, crude oil and natural gas shipments, Ukraine's other country in the region refinery runs, statistics of hydrocarbons imports and exports, oil products demand, split both, by regions and market operators.
  • We publish NefteRynok, the industry media weekly flagship, supplying other industry publication Modern Petrol Station. All our broad readership with exclusive information on oil and gas markets from reliable sources.
  • We hold annual conferences, bringing together the representatives of the largest vertically integrated oil and gas companies, equipment manufacturers, engineering companies, retail chains owners and top managers, the representatives of the energy ministry and other state agencies, anti-monopoly service and other state watch-dogs. We always make sure that important and pressing for the motor fuels markets matters are always on the top of the agenda, while both Ukrainian and foreign equipment and services suppliers have the best opportunities to meet their clients from oil and gas companies.

Our experience

We've been on the market now for 17 years!

Our specialists daily follow and study Ukraine's motor fuels market development, keeping an eye on the trends, important changes, making sure that we always are in direct contact with dozens of companies of the oil and gas sector. Their efforts make sure that are forecasts and surveys are reliable and well grounded!

Who are we working with?

Our sources are the state agencies, refineries, trading companies and other market representative, those who drive and follow the market and industry developments every day.

Our clients are big and small operators of Ukraine's oil and gas market, as well as neighboring countries of the former Soviet union, big international private and state companies, retail chains, ministries and state agencies, who rely on our data for many years.
№ 09 (838), 10-03-2014

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