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The ABB Group
АББ в Україні

Файли cookie та політика конфіденційності АББ


Upon your first visit to an ABB web site, a cookie is sent to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser. A "cookie" is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. We use cookies to improve the quality of our service and to better understand how people use our sites. We do this by storing user preferences in cookies and by tracking user trends and patterns of how people navigate our sites.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features or services on our sites may not function properly without cookies.

ABB’s website uses both "first party" cookies (cookies used by the ABB website only) and "third party" cookies (cookies originating from a third party website). We use first party cookies for storing preferences and data needed throughout your visit on the site (for example, contents of your shopping cart). We use third party cookies for tracking user trends and patterns with the help of third party web statistics providers. The third party cookies are used exclusively by ABB websites and the web statistics provider and are not shared with any other third party.

The table below describes the web statistics cookies used by the ABB website.

Provider of cookieType of cookiePurpose of cookie
Google AnalyticsFirst partyWeb analytics (anonymous usage statistics)
comScore Digital AnalytixThird partyWeb analytics (anonymous usage statistics)


You can disable and re-enable the web statistics cookies using the function below:

Enable tracking cookies Disable tracking cookies


Privacy policy

ABB considers privacy an important issue, so we build and operate our web services with the protection of privacy taken into account. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information we gather when you use one of ABB's web sites and some of the steps we take to safeguard it.

These principles apply to personally identifying information we ask for and that you provide. By this we mean information that individually identifies you, such as your name, physical address, e-mail address or other contact details.

Data collection

Browsing of our web sites and most other services do not require any personally identifying information.

ABB may collect limited non-personally identifying information your browser makes available whenever you visit a website. This log information includes your Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your query and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser. We use this information to better understand users behavior and to further improve our offerings.

Some of our services require you to register for an account. ABB asks you for some personal information in order to create an account and we will use that information to provide the service. For certain services we may request credit card or other payment information which we maintain in encrypted form on secure servers.

When we require personally identifying information, we will inform you about the types of information we collect and how we use it. We hope this will help you make an informed decision about sharing your personal information with us. It is then up to you to decide if you want to provide the information or not.

Information sharing

We do not rent or sell your personally identifying information to other companies or individuals, unless we have your consent. We may share such information in any of the following limited circumstances:

  • We have your expressed consent.
  • We provide such information to trusted businesses or persons for the sole purpose of processing your request on our behalf. When this is done, it is subject to agreements that oblige those parties to process such information only on our instructions and in compliance with this Privacy Policy and appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
  • We conclude that we are required by law or have a good faith belief that access, preservation or disclosure of such information is reasonably necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of ABB, its users or the public.

If you have an account, we may share the information submitted under your account among all of our services as well as distributors and channel partners to the extent necessary to provide you with a seamless experience and to improve the quality of our services. We will not disclose your account information to other people or non-affiliated companies, except in the limited circumstances described in this Policy or with your consent.

We may store and process personal information collected on our site in any country in which ABB or our hosting providers maintain facilities. By using our services, you consent to the transfer of your information among these facilities, including those located outside your country.

In the event of a transfer of ownership of parts of ABB Ltd., such as acquisition by or merger with another company, we will provide notice and ask for your consent before any personally identifying information is transferred and thereby becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

We may share aggregated information with others. Examples of this include user trends or the number of users who accessed a particular part of ABB's web presence. This aggregated information does not include any personally identifying information.

We offer certain services where you can post information on the site which will then be available to other visitors of the site. Examples are discussion forums and comments on blogs. When you post, basic information identifying you as the poster will be made available to other visitors together with your posted information. This information includes your name or alias, and where relevant, may include other information such as your country or the name of the company or organization you work for. We may also display statistical, reputational and other similar information, for example the number of forum posts you have posted or how useful other visitors have rated your posts. For details, please see the help pages for each service.

Information security

We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data.

We restrict access to your personally identifying information to ABB employees who need to know that information in order to fullfill your request or supply our services.

Updating your information

We provide mechanisms for updating and correcting your personally identifying information for many of our services. For more information, please see the help pages for each service.


The external sites linked to from the ABB web sites are developed by people over whom ABB exercises no control. These other sites may place their own cookies on your computer, collect data or solicit personal information.

Changes to this Policy

Please note this Privacy Policy will change from time to time. We expect most such changes to be minor, but there may be changes that are more significant.

Regardless, we will post those changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will also provide a more prominent notice. Each version will be noted at the top of the page. Prior versions of this Privacy Policy will be kept in an archive for you to view.

This policy has been last updated on April 26, 2012. Changes include better description of our usage of cookies and addition of a section concerning user-generated content on the site.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us any time.