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Trademark registration:: Krylova and partners Co
  • Trademark registration
  • Registration of domains in UA zone
  • Patenting
  • Intellectual property protection
  • Copyright and allied rights registration
  • Other services
keywords: - patenting of inventions; - trademark registration; - registration of trademark; - intellectual property protection; - copyright protection.

Trademark registration

You are an inventor or a lawyer? An artist or an entrepreneur? A businessman or a creative person? You are building something unique or release a new product? Sooner or later you will encounter the same problem as the protection of rights issued you a thing or intellectual product. Maybe at first you find this issue irrelevant or unimportant, however, postponing the issue indefinitely, do not forget that any successful idea can be used by someone else, and maybe that someone wants to get rich at the expense of your ideas. 

Thus, if your competitors will draw a patent for your invention before you do, then no court can not help you, and even the best lawyers can not prove anything. To avoid this situation, you need as soon as possible to resolve the issue of registration of the trademark.

The company "Krylov and Partners" - is a skilled professional, who will defend your intellectual property and help you to register the trademark.

Our firm was founded in 1993, and has been for nearly 20 years of successful deals with issues related to intellectual property protection in Ukraine and abroad. We employ licensed patent attorneys of Ukraine, and educated lawyers with extensive experience in this area since Soviet times. They are successfully carrying out all kinds of works relating to the registration of intellectual property and protection of the rights of its owners.

We employ licensed patent attorneys of Ukraine, and educated lawyers with extensive experience in this area since Soviet times. They are successfully carrying out all kinds of works relating to the registration of intellectual property and protection of the rights of its owners.

Expand the list of services you will find under "Services."

    Yours faithfully,

patent attorney

N. I. Krylova


If you are a business or creating something new sooner or later will face the problem before you register your trademark: register yourself or to trust this process professionals?

If you choose a self-registration, be prepared to make thoroughly acquainted with the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Rights to Marks for Goods and Services" and "Rules for drafting and filing an application for issuance of certificates of Ukraine on the mark for goods and services." There you will find the necessary information about this procedure.

You will also need to come up with name for your product or service, ask that you will have to either verbal or graphic, or combined method. Further, the International qualifier will need to choose the classes of goods. After that, make an application for trademark registration and pay the required state. fee. Once you have coped with all this, will have to wait to establish the initial date of application for trademark registration within 4-5 weeks. And if you put the expertise of positive feedback, you become the owner of the certificate of trademark registration.

As is evident from the above, the procedure of trademark registration is complex and requires a competent approach to many issues. You will be faced with a proper choice of classes of products for your brand, obtaining legal protection and, importantly, the correct design of the application.
So to save you time and effort, we strongly recommend that you trust this process by qualified professionals in this field.


  • Required documents
1. Trademark 2. Industrial prototype
  • Useful Articles
1. procedure of registration of trade mark 2. Problem of Intellectual property protection 3. errors of registration of commodity signs
  • Law
1. On Protection of Rights_to_Inventions 2. On Protection of trademarks_for_Goods 3. On Protection of Industrial Designs
  • Useful information
1. Order of registration of_commodity_sign 2. Advantages of international registration_of_trade mark 3. That is the object_of_defence_o_trademark?