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All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organization Ukrainian Bar Association
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About UBA

Ukrainian Bar Association (UBA) - all-Ukrainian public organization, founded in 2002 to bring together lawyers for a strong and influential professional community, which would become a powerful voice of the legal profession of our country.

Along with the common goal of implementing the Rule of Law, increasing legal awareness and legal culture in society, the Ukrainian Bar Association is committed to the development of the legal profession, improvement of legislation, implementation of ethical standards in provision of legal services, protection of professional rights of the UBA members and human rights in general.

From the moment of its foundation the UBA have been constantly expanding its activities, as well as the number of tasks to be performed. With such rapid development the organization remained on the fundamental postulates of its existence: independence, openness, indifference towards politics, democracy, equality of members, etc.

The activities of the UBA are fully based upon personal initiative and commitment of its members. After nine years of dedicated work we remain the most dynamic and active organization of lawyers in Ukraine, we expand our activities abroad and take a proactive stance on many issues of legal life in Ukraine.

The UBA unites over three thousand lawyers from all regions of the country, including attorneys, notaries, scholars, judges, civil servants, MPs and well-known scientists in the field of law. Student division of the UBA consists of more than fifteen hundred future lawyers from more than fifty educational institutions of Ukraine.

The priorities of the Ukrainian Bar Association are as follows:

  •  Reforming the Law on the Bar;
  •  Promotion of judicial reform;
  •  Monitoring the implementation of the EU Agreement on simplification of visa regime;
  •  Development of the international co-operation with the legal institutions throughout the world, holding conferences and forums;
  •  Development and supporting the Ukrainian Bar Association offices in the regions;
  •  Protecting the professional rights of the UBA members and monitoring of human rights enforcement;
  •  Providing response to high-profile events of the legal life of the country.

Ukrainian Bar Association since 2006 is a member of the International Bar Association (ІBA), it maintains close relations with the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) and the American Bar Association (ABA).

Ukrainian Bar Association cordially welcomes all like-minded people to join our organization to work together to translate our common ideas and goals into practice. We hope that our principles and objectives match your expectations on the future of the Ukrainian legal profession.