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GBS - Company
Brand Solutions

Company News


GBS Brand Solutions Company was founded in 1997. Company’s portfolio contains more than 60 developed trademarks including 16 national brands, which had been developed by the company from the concept to market introduction with a full set of advertising and marketing support.

We are proud to say that decision-makers turn to our company when complicated tasks need to be implemented. Our long-standing experience in marketing communications allows to highlight:

  • High creative potential of development team in GBS Brand Solutions Company;
  • Experience in market mechanisms and products that we work with;
  • Deep knowledge of consumers’ psychology which is the core factor in purchase decision.

The company consists of three departments:

  • Research center, responsible for marketing researches.
  • Creative branding department, responsible for brand consulting and development of trademarks from the ground up which includes naming, creation of brand identity components and everything concerning marketing and advertising communications.
  • Design and web-technologies department where professional designers, illustrators and web-developers work.

The company’s full-time staff numbers 20 employees, and freelance staff counts about 30 employees.

The company’s clients are businesses all over the Ukraine including big companies from Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, and Kherson. We work with clients from France and the UK as well. We are proud of long-term and viable co-operation with the majority of our clients. You can read their testimonials about our co-operative projects on this web site.

The company has been an honoree of 12 prestigious international and all-Ukrainian competitions and festivals. The company has been specially awarded by the Ukrainian Designers Union for its developments in the field of package design.


We believe that idea is the most important thing. Because people buy not products but experience and impressions. Idea is kept in mind, and it saves time and money needed to promote a trademark. That is why nothing else but strong idea can make up a powerful and competitive brand.

Creative research of solution for any task, both big and small, is the main feature of the company.

With the use of creative approach and deep knowledge of market we create successful strong brands which bring high profits to their owners.


The foundation of the company is its professional team which consists of people who like and can think. Our secret of successful projects runs that there are no companies, there are only people. There are long days and weeks of definite people’s work at the back of each project that you can see. They are the people who love their job. They like to work together; after all they live and breathe the sole air. That is why they create unique works.

While creating a brand, the amazing creativity of the solution is not the goal for developers. They strive to find the solution which will provide brand’s marketing success. There are the ability to think freshly, not to rest on our laurels, and the stable habit to work for the result, which guarantee really powerful brand solutions delivered by GBS. The ideas, delivered by the company, save much customer’s money. Because we know how to make a product be purchased.

Why work with us?

Versatile experience, use of the best techniques and high-class professionals are our main arguments.

When a client solves problems by himself, and certain stages of the development are implemented by different companies, it is hard to create the integral image of a brand. GBS provides all stages of branding from researches, analysis of market conditions and creation of brand image to introduction of developed project and advertising campaign. It is convenient as client gets the comprehensive solution in a single place.

5 more reasons to order brand development in GBS:

  • Company’s professionals create unique works. It is proved by our clients.
  • Work with the company is not only effective but also creative. Moreover, it is easy to work with us because we are customer-oriented professionals.
  • Brands, developed by GBS, are successful. Many of them have become the Golden Trademarks of Ukraine. And certainly consumers’ affection and sales level are the best indicators of success.
  • We treat each brand, created by us, like our own baby. Its success is our success, its drop-down is our pain. We carry of every our “baby”.
  • And finally, we know how to make product to be purchased.


Company news
Company news

Clients testimonials
Clients testimonials

Viacheslav Fostov
Chief sales officer at "Avito Brand Company" (ТМ "Herbalis", "Umka", "Nortex")
We select the best leading companies which use state-of-the-art technologies to be our partners. We’ve chosen GBS logically, after long-term search and a number of tenders....
Company Our works Branding Creative Portfolio Internet marketing Research