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Donetsk metallurgical plant

PSC «Donetsk metallurgical plant» was created in 1996 on bases of one of the oldest metallurgical plants of Ukraine.

After that the PrSC «Donetskstal»-metallurgical plant» was founded in 2002, combining two production shops: blast furnace shop and open hearth furnaces shop.

PrSC «Donetskstal» — metallurgical plant» and PSC «Donetsk metallurgical plant» are modern ferrous metallurgy plants in Ukraine. The main activities of the works include: production modernization, new technologies introduction, solving ecological issues, assortment expanding and producing high quality and competitive products.

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2011-11-15 13:30
Ecological quality and safety

PrSC «Donetskstal» — Metallurgical plant» became the winner of X Ukrainian competition «Ecological quality and safety»

2007-05-07 15:00
JSC "Donetskstal" - Iron and Steel Works "certified integrated management system of quality, environment and labor safety

JSC «Donetskstal» — Iron and Steel Works " became the first enterprise in Ukraine, which has implemented and certified the integrated quality management system, environmental and labor protection in accordance with international standards ISO 9001:2000,ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:1999.

2011-11-05 15:00
From past to the future

Iron and steel industry is one of the basic industries of Ukraine.
Donetsk metallurgical plant is one of the oldest in southern Ukraine. Founded in 1872 by British industrialist John Hughes, he gave the name of the village, and then the city Yuzovka. And now the fate of the plant and the city are closely related.

Отводы для ООО "СИМЗ"

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Бетон для ПАО "ЯКХЗ"

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Фильтры для очистки аспирационных выбросов участка "Глиномялка"

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Ретурбент и рама в сборе

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Запчасти КСП-42

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Трубопроводы: ф219х6х12000мм и ф168х12х12000мм

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Воздухопроводы печи для прокатного цеха

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Короб дугового сита 1/2W5-8 из нержавеющей стали

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Изготовление штамповой оснастки под гибку деталей

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Печь трубчатая ЦС1 80/7, хранилище жидкого пека, корпус реактора

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