I’m relocate all my last project from TextMate to Sublime Text 2, if you ask why? One global reason for me is that Sublime Text 2 really fast and that important for me to work with big project.

In box Sublime have not predefined twig extension, but  thanks to Anomareh we can use  PHP-Twig.tmbundle he had developed for textMate also for Sublime Text 2.

Let’s install Anomareh PHP-Twig.tmbundle for Sublime:

  • download latest bundle reliase from github
  • unpacks and just copy Syntaxes/HTML (Twig).tmLanguage , Snippets/all snippets file to your Sublime Text 2 installation folder under the Packages folder.
    for me on Lion path look like /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages
  • restart Sublime
Now for twig files you can select HTML (twig) extension from right bottom corner.