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EUCON associates defended interests Kerscher in the HACU – The Ukrainian Journal of Bussines Law
NEWS (October 23, 2012)

EUCON associates defended interests Kerscher in the HACU

The Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine upheld the cassation appeal of the JV Kerscher LLC that belongs to the group TNK-BP, and dismissed rulings of courts of first and appellate instances, invalidated the decision of the State Ecological Inspection in Kiev, which temporarily suspended gas stations for violating environmental legislation. A ruling by the District Administrative Court of Kiev had earlier dismissed the claim of JV Kerscher. The Kiev Administrative Court of Appeal also dismissed the claim of the JV Kerscher.

The litigation in the courts was conducted by the attorney at law of the International Law Center EUCON, Vladimir Bevza, under the guidance of managing partner Yaroslav Romanchuk.